He's alive.

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"Are you done already? It's a meeting, not a date!" Jason yelled as he picked up his keys and proceeded to walk up the stairs.
She appeared, wearing black ripped jeans, a black shirt and a holster, keeping her guns in. She wore a large jacket over herself.

"Are you wearing a nose ring?" He looked closely at her.
"Yeah, this is how I dressed back in highschool," she smiled. "Seeing Lucas really brought back a lot of memories."

"Or does he bring back your feelings?" Jason wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"Don't make me take back my kiss," she teased and they walked out together.
"About that," he asked slowly as he opened the door. "Does that mean we're a thing now?"
"A thing?" She walked to the car as he opened the door.
"I mean,what are we now?"He entered.
"We're friends," she buckled up.
"Just friends?"
"What do you mean by 'just friends'?" She drew imaginary quotes around the phrase.
He had already started driving to City Hall.

"I meant that I like you,a lot. I really love you but you're not interested. I thought that when you kissed me, you had something for me," he sighed.
"Look Jason, right now is just not a good time for me to be in a relationship," she placed her palm on his.
"But you're leading me on," he signalled to their skin contact.
"Let's just go with the flow and we'll see how it goes," she shrugged again.

"That's the fountain," she said as she picked up her phone and started recording.
"I'm leaving," she said to Jason and turned to open the door.
"Please," he pulled her hand. "Be safe, I don't trust Lucas."
"What do you mean?"
"He's been gone for a long time and now he suddenly shows up? It's fishy, we even thought he was dead."
"I trust him. I know James and Mr. Harvey had something to do with his disappearance. We're getting to the bottom of this today," she finalised.
"Tess,be careful," he pleaded.
"I will, make sure you don't fall asleep while waiting for me," she winked.
"Can't I just go instead?"
"What is wrong with you?!"
"I'm just not sure about this,I'm worried."
"It's a city hall,look around. There's a lot of people here, nothing's gonna happen."

She sealed that statement with a passionate kiss. Guess Jason found what he was looking for.
"I'll be back soon," she got down.
"Be safe!" He yelled as she slammed the door shut.

Tess waited for about ten minutes before Lucas arrived.
"Don't make it seem like you're following me," he said as he walked past her swiftly.
She did as he said and followed a few steps behind him.
They went through the back of the hall and stood there.

"Is that really you?" She asked slowly, not believing her eyes.
"Of course," he squeezed her in a bone crushing hug. He sounded so manly. His beard was grazing her neck bone.

"What happened? Everyone said you died. Luke said he saw you placed in the grave," she explained.
"That wasn't me," he said hurriedly. "They did plastic surgery on someone else, made him looked like me, killed him and said he died of cancer."

"What?" She couldn't believe her ears.
"We're trapped. We've been registered dead. We can't walk around freely. I was sent to buy some clothes for Fei, that's why I got freedom for just a day. But, they're watching me. They're watching you, your every move."

"I still can't believe you became a cop tho," he smiled.
"Who are they Lucas?" She asked sternly as she could see he was avoiding the topic.
"I don't wanna tell you. They may be watching or listening."

"Okay then, how do you know James?"
"He's the boss's right hand man's son. Ever since his father died,he's been working for the boss."
"Who's the boss?"
"I can't tell you Tess. All I can say is that this city isn't safe. Flee while you can. Tell Luke to flee!"
"Why would we flee? You're not even giving me any details!" She flailed her arms around.

"I can't give you details! He's evil, pure evil! He's gonna ruin everyone's life!"
"Lucas, you're acting really weird."
"You need to leave now," he said, looking around hurriedly.
"You need to go!"
"Okay chill, lemme just call Jason."
"You didn't come alone?!"
"Yeah, why?"
"Call him now!"

She dialed Jason's number but it was out of coverage. Then, he wasn't picking up.
"He's not answering."

"You should have come alone! I have to go," he started running.

Tess moved swiftly through the crowd and tried to locate where Jason's car was parked. When she finally found it, he was gone! Jason was nowhere to be seen.
"Don't panic," she said to herself repeatedly as she dialed Luke's number.

"I came to the city hall with Jason to meet someone and now I'm back, he's gone. He left his keys in the car, unlocked so I was wondering if you had any idea where he might be?"

"He left his car? That's weird. I'll try to contact him. In the meantime, bring his car to the office,I'll take it to his house."
"I know his house, I'll take it there. Please try to contact him."

After she got off the phone with Luke, she started driving and called Caleb.
"At your service," he said.
"You guys! I need you to start tracking Jason right now!"
"Is everything okay?"
"Do it!" She screamed.
"On it!"

She was biting her nails aggressively.

What if he's been kidnapped?
What if he's dead already?
What if he drowned?

Different thoughts came to Tess brain. She was not stable. She never thought that Jason's disappearance could hit her that hard. He was the one telling her to be safe but now, he's gone! They don't even have any idea where he might be.

She pulled over in front of his house and got down. When she slipped down, something came down with her. She bent down to pick it up.

It was a paper with words written on it, like a letter.

"XOXO," she read out.

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