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"Cheers!" They all clinked their glasses.
"I asked you guys to pick an expensive place and this is it?" Tess expressed her disdain.
"What? What's wrong with my restaurant? You're in the second angle! Celebrities come here." Johnson gently slapped Tess's head.
"I had no idea you were there," Tess chuckled. "You look fancy, any occasion?"
"I'm going on a date," he winked and the group simpered.

"Let me guess, Alessia?" Tess took a wild guess.
"How did you know?" He was turning pink.
"I'm happy for you old folks too," she sipped her wine. "I'm gonna stay single forever."

"Why would you? You have Jason!" Johnson said as he walked off when the waiters brought their food.
"We're not in a relationship!" She yelled at him and whispered a low 'sorry' to her fellow diners.

"Then what do you call what you guys have?" Caleb prompted.
"A situationship," she forked her steak.
"What's that?"
"We go with the flow. We just go with the moment."

"Is that what you guys agreed on?" Mitch asked.
"We didn't really agree on anything."
"He seems to want more. Why don't you give him a chance?" Eva tried to persuade her.
"I'm not interested in relationships of any kind."
"Your situationship seems like an open marriage." David commented.

"Whatever," she dismissed the topic.

"Sorry, I'm late," Jason took a seat.
"No one invited you," Tess groaned.
"My girlfriend's grumpy, what did you guys do to her?" He pouted.
"Girlfriend?" Diana said.
"I thought she said you guys weren't dating," Mitch dropped his fork.

"She said that?" He asked and Caleb nodded. "Well, then she's right."
"I really admire your pain," David said.
"My pain?" Jason raised an eyebrow.
"You're into her but she doesn't feel the same."
"Yet, you can't let her go," Caleb patted his back and Jason smiled.

"Meeting, tomorrow morning," Tess said.
"I won't be able to come, I have an interview," Jason said.
"You're not a part of the team," she stood up and left.
"That's doesn't mean you should be angry," he stood up. "Bye guys."

After they drove home, they didn't walk in directly. They both took a walk around the house, side by side. After being silent for thirty minutes, Jason spoke up.

"It was scary," he started. "When I was all alone in that room, without no one to communicate with. Then, I remembered when you were abducted. You almost got crushed," he chuckled.
"It still haunts me," she smiled.

"Come to think of it, since we met, there's never been a peaceful day," he laughed.
"I'm a cop, what else do you expect?"
"You're right."

After walking a little bit further, he pulled her to a stop.
"What's your dream?" He asked while looking straight at her in the eye.
"My dream? Why are you asking about that suddenly?"

"Tell me," he squeezed her hand.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it but I wanna have a peaceful life. I want to go on a vacation. I wanna tour places with history. I want freedom. I don't wanna be bothered. I wanna experience what normal people experience," she finalised.

"Alone?" He asked.
"As I said, I haven't thought about that. For me, relationships are a luxury. I'd prefer not to have any."

"Aren't you gonna ask what mine is?"
"What is it?"

He took a deep breath.
"It's similar to yours. The only difference is that I don't wanna be alone. I want to have someone who worries about me. I want kids who see me as their peer. A happy family is a happy life. I wanna explore with my family and friends."

"You'll get your dream, I'm sure it'll come true."
"What about yours?"
"I'll have to see about that," she rubbed her hands.

"Should we go in? It's starting to get cold," He removed his jacket.
"Don't," she stopped him. "I hate clichés."

He chuckled and wore his jacket.
"You really are strange," he said as they continued walking.

"You know," she said again. "Sometimes,I wanna get away from it all. The blood, the weapons, the bodies, the screams and the wailing. They run through my mind every time that I don't even have time for feelings. I love my job but at the same time,I hate it. It's not peaceful. There's always so much pressure on me."

"Who says you can't quit?" He pulled her to a stop. "Why can't you get away from it all? It's not like anyone is stopping you."

"What about the high school girls? Should I let their murderer roam free like a wild animal? Is justice not their portion?"

"I never said that. Of course they have to get justice. But,you don't have any evidence."

"So, I should just let it all go?!"
"No! I didn't say that. All I'm saying is that you should retrace your steps. There might be something you've missed."

"Something I've missed?"
"Think about it clearly, I'm sure something's going to pop up."

"Let me ask you something," she faced him.
"What is it?"
"Why do you like me so much?"

"I don't like you. I love you and love doesn't need a reason. But if you really need a reason, I'll say it's because you're different."
"Because I'm different?"

"Yeah, the disadvantage you think you have is what I like. You wanna know why I stay by your side and endure everything you do?"
She nodded.

"It's because I know that you'll come around one day. You'll eventually learn to love someone and I don't wanna be away from you when it happens. I'm the one staying with you now, I wanna enjoy it."

They were walking again. He stopped her for a second as he almost lost his footing.
"Are you okay?" She quickly held him up.
He smiled mischievously.
"That's what I'm talking about," he chuckled.
"I'll kill you," she hit him hard.

After their laughter died down, she spoke again.
"If I actually learn to love like you actually say, what if it's not you?"
"What do you mean?"
"What if I don't develop feelings for you? What if I don't like you back?"

He sighed.
"I guess that could happen too. If it happens, I'm probably gonna go crazy," he smiled. "But, I'm still gonna be grateful that I met you."

They looked into each other's eyes and leaned in. They were about to kiss when he collapsed suddenly.

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