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One month later...

"You're here," Barb greeted Jason and his grandma as they walked in.

It was Tess's hospital room. She laid on the bed with an oxygen mask covering her nose.
"Sorry I'm late,I had some issues to settle," he hugged her.
"Let's go," Jason's grandma called Barb.
"See you later," she took her bag and left with her.

Jason took a seat beside her and brought out his papers.

One month ago...
The night of the incident...

"Here's the cure," Lucas ran to Jason's hospital room.
"Who are you?" The doctor asked.
"Lucas Henderson, Tess sent me here," he gave the vial to him but the doctor looked at him weirdly with all the blood on him.

"It's safe, I made it," he persuaded him and he injected Jason.

"Doctor," Luke walked in but stopped when he saw Lucas.

"Luke," Lucas called slowly.

Luke was confused for a while. He was trying to recognize him.
"It's me, Lucas." He hugged him fiercely.

Meanwhile, at the crime scene.
"Where's the boss?" Mitch and Eva ran in.
"She got shot." Caleb's lips quivered. "She was just transported to the hospital with everyone else."

"And the criminals?" Mitch asked.
"We got them," he said. "Diana and the others are transporting them currently.

"Guys!" David ran in. "There was an accident."
"On the way to the station. They escaped."

"What?" Eva gasped.
"Diana has been carried to the hospital along with other officers. We have no trace of the criminals."

"They can't go to the airport because an APB is already out. The port!" Caleb exclaimed.
"The seaport!" They all chorused.

"It will be hard for them to move because their leader is injured."

"Let's get them, for Tess," Caleb led them and they did catch them. They found Mr. Harvey on the road, unconscious. His minions were caught at the port trying to get on a ship.

Jason recovered in two days. Lucas was reunited with his family and after all was settled,the team was called to Texas. It seems like Canary will be in full action now.
Alessia and Johnson were shocked to hear about the incident. When Barb heard about her daughter, she fainted twice. The bullet hit a lethal point in Tess's body. Doctors say it was a miracle that she's alive.

Alive but unconscious.

Stella gave birth to a boy and Ryder couldn't come visit his dear cousin. Zoey visited Tess once before leaving the country. Max got promoted because he arrested Cap.

The truth behind the highschool girls murders. Tony kidnapped the girls for James. James slept with them and killed them after selling their parts to a buyer. Every other crime was on Mr. Harvey.

Everyone's lives was going back to normal but Tess wasn't waking up.

Back to the present...

"Hey," Alessia walked in with her kit.
"You're here already?" Jason closed his papers and stood up to adjust Tess's bed.

"Yeah, I have another client in an hour," she started washing Tess's hair.
"Thank you so much for this," he appreciated her.
"It's the least I can do for her. I was a bitch to her all my life."

"Where's Johnson?"

"At his restaurant as usual," she chuckled. "He's also helping Barb out at the diner."

"Sometimes," he held Tess's hand. "She would squeeze my fingers. Sometimes, she would blink and sometimes, tears would run down her face."

"She'll wake up soon," she consoled him.

"You guys have been saying that for a month now."

"It's true," she smiled.

"Hello," Luke walked in.
"If it ain't Luke Henderson," Jason gave him a brotherly hug.
"Hey buddy."

"You're leaving now?" Alessia asked.
"Yeah, I'm all packed. I just stopped by to see Tess."
"I wish you won't leave," Jason sighed.

"It was an honor to work with you," Luke smiled.
"Of course it was,I'm a great boss," he said and they laughed.

"I'll visit as soon as I settle down," he promised.
"Leave, before you miss your flight," Jason shooed him away.

"Bye!" He said and left.

"Where's he going anyway?" Alessia asked as she began rinsing Tess's hair.
"Atlanta," he said.

"What about the Asian couple?" Jason asked about Tae-ho and Fei.
"They went on tour."
"Yeah, apparently some money that belonged to Mr. Harvey was found in the toilet where Tae-ho almost died. They kept it for themselves as payback for what he did to them."
"That's fair."

After Alessia was done with Tess's hair, she left. Jason clipped her nails for her.

"You know," he started talking to her. "When I first met you,you were weird. A lot of things were off about you. That was what drew my attention to you. I tried so hard not to like you but it didn't work. You were special in your own way. Seeing you here like this is painful," he sobbed.

He felt movement of her hands. She squeezed his hands.
"Tess?" He called out, unable to believe what was happening. An idea came to his mind.
"If you love me, squeeze your right hand. If you don't,your left hand." He held both her hands.

She waited for a while before squeezing her right hand.
"Yes!" He screamed and called out. "Doctor!"

      The doctor walked in with a nurse.
"Is there a problem?"

  "She answered me!" He screamed.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's like she can hear me. She's reacting to my words, she just squeezed my hands."

  "She'll wake up soon," he smiled at Jason.
"I'm sure of it, she can hear you. Say encouraging words that will trigger her to wake up fast."

"Does that really work?"
"With majority," he said.
"Thank you."

     Jason looked out the window and saw white flakes falling down.

    He looked at Tess where she laid and smiled.
"I wanted to watch the first snowfall with you."

      He moved to her bed and held her hands.
"You're not gonna spend Christmas here,are you? We miss you. You got all the bad guys. Diana forwarded your resignation letter to your HQ. You're now free. The only thing left for you is to wake up," he said as a tear rolled down his face. "What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be crying. Luke left. Lucas is just going around, being himself. Fei and Tae-ho got engaged. Stella gave birth," he said and she squeezed his hands.

   He looked hopeful.
"She gave birth to a boy," he said again while looking at her.

     He could see her balls moving under her eyes. She opened them slowly but closed them back because of the sudden intrusion of light.

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