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   "You knew he was going to betray us?" Mitch asked as he pulled a blanket over Diana.
"Yes, Max came by earlier."

"Let's talk," he called her over.

      "I'm sorry about what my team did when they were with you. I never knew they were under orders."
"Whose orders?"
"That old fart," she muttered.
"I know you tapped his office. He knows."
"That's why we haven't been hearing anything lately," she wondered.
"He has someone on your team."
"What? No, he doesn't have anyone on my team."
"I'm sure of it. They were talking to each other this morning. I don't know what you're planning but someone is working for Cap."

  "Jack," Tess murmured.
"He is acquainted with your father too. I've seen him frequent him office recently."
"You still recognise my dad?"
"Of course,I can't forget his face when Aunt Monica walked in on the wedding day."

"Why are you helping me?" Tess asked him.
"Because I spilled my coffee on you," he smiled sheepishly.
"Thanks a lot."


    Barb walked in and saw Tess.
"I thought you said you weren't gonna be home," she said as she hugged her.
"Something came up."

"What's wrong with her?" Barb asked when she saw Diana.
"She'll be fine."
"Who's that?" She pointed at Tae-ho who was now awake.

"Finally, you're awake," Tess sighed. "Mom, can you excuse us?"
"Of course, I'll be upstairs."

     Tess took her seat opposite him and looked into his eyes.
"Han Tae-ho, right?"

"How do you know my name?" His lips quivered.
"Lucas is my friend, I'm helping you."
"Then you must be his daughter," his eyes grew red with rage. "You're that man's daughter, aren't you?"
"I swear," his voice grew deadly. "If anything happens to Fei or Lucas, I'll kill you myself!"
He plugged his hand under her throat.
"Hey!" David moved to attack him but Tess raised her hand.

  She punched him in his stomach and turned his arm to the back, making him fall on his knee.
"That's my signature move," she muttered. "It's an honor for it to have been used on you."

   She released him.
"Yes, he's my father. I regret that too but what are you gonna do about it?"
"I hate you."

"무엇을 먹고 싶니?(What do you wanna eat?)"

"한국어를 하세요? (You speak Korean?)" He looked up in surprise.

" 그래, 라연을 조아하니? (Yeah, do you care for ramen?) She answered.

"이상화에서음식에 대해 어떻게 생각할수있습니까?(How can you think about food in this situation?)" His eyes changed.

" 그러면 굶을 것인가? (Then will you starve?)" She stood with arms akimbo.

"맥주 만수세요( Just gimme a beer)" he relaxed.

"Get him a beer," Tess ordered David who reappeared almost immediately with a canned beer.

   Tae-ho opened it and took a refreshing gulp.
"Where's Lucas?" Tess asked.
"I don't know," he said, dejectedly.
"What about Fei?" She asked too and his eyes lit up.
"You know Fei too?" His voice crumpled.

"남신은 페이를 성멀 사랑합니까? (Do you really love Fei?)"

"Of course I love her."

"Then please think. Do it for her sake."

   "I've not seen the sunlight in fourteen years. I've been stuck in that dingy basement for so long. I hardly know anywhere again. How would I know where she is?" Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"I don't think he knows anything," Caleb said.
"Tae-ho,do you know this man?" Tess showed him a picture of Jason.
"Yes," he sniffled. "I injected him."
"Where can I get the cure?"

"Lucas and I made it but he came today and destroyed our lab after taking everything. You can only get it from him. If that man doesn't get the vaccine in three days,hell die."

    Tess's world stopped for a moment.
"He'll die?" Mitch asked.

"They're probably giving him antibiotics right now. It won't help him. It may contain the virus,stop it from getting contagious but it's killing him at a fast pace. He must be in so much pain right now."

  "Diana!" Tess yelled.

   Diana shot up from her slumber to the surprise of everyone.
"I'm up," she rubbed her eyes as she stood up. "I'm up," she staggered as she tried to walk.
"Gently," Mitch helped her.

   "Did you get it on him?" Tess asked her.
"Of course," she smiled sheepishly.

"Get what on who?" Eva asked, confused by all what was happening.
"A tracking device on Jack," Diana said as she walked to her bag and pulled out a small screen. "He's at Mr. Harvey's pharmaceutical company."

"Tae-ho, how does the cure look like?" Tess inquired.
"It's a blue coloured liquid in a vial."

"Are you going there?" David asked her.
"What choice so I have?" She began suiting up. "I don't want anymore deaths caused by my father. Diana, get an arrest warrant for Ironman, James, Cap, Jack and Mr. Harvey."
"On it," she drew her laptop closer.

     "Let me come with you," Tae-ho said.
"This is not a joke Tae-ho," she warned.
"I'm good with knives. I can hurt people in a non lethal point but they will be weak. I have to fight for my love," he stood up.
"But, you're a little tipsy," Eva said with concern.
"Even better," he walked into Tess's kitchen to take knives.

  "David and Eva, you stay here and keep an eye on my mom. Mitch, head over to my stepmom's house and keep her safe. Caleb, you're coming with me. Diana, you'll drive."

  "Guys," Diana called weakly. "Jason.. "

"What about Jason?" Tess asked.
"Turn on the news," she said as Tess picked the remote.

    "Mr. Gerard collapsed during a meeting with the board of directors and is in a critical condition. Doctors don't know the exact cause of his illness but are doing their best to make sure he's stable," the reporter said.

   Tess picked her phone hurriedly and called Luke.
"Don't give him antibiotics!" She yelled.
"What?" He asked.
"Give the phone to the doctor!"
"Alright," he said and another voice came on the line. "Hello."

"Hello? Doctor?"
"Ms. Harvey."
"Don't give him antibiotics. He was infected with a new virus that was created by some people. Antibiotics will make him worse."

"I already did that, don't worry. The news report was fake. I'm keeping him under watch."
"Thank you so much, please keep it a secret until I get the cure."
"Of course," he said and Tess disconnected the call.

  "Everyone move!" She shouted.

    Diana drove to the pharmaceutical company.
Two men were outside. It looked like they were waiting for someone.

  "Caleb and Diana, stay in the car. Tae-ho and I will go in. If we're not back in ten minutes or if you hear weird sounds, you know what to do," Tess ordered them as she jumped out of the van.

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