The Boss's boss.

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"So,your request has been processed?" Diana said.
"Seems like it," Tess sighed.
"What are we going to do?"

"First,we have to know who's coming," Tess said. "Let's go."

They all stood outside the station, waiting for the new team leader.
"What's taking him so long?" Mitch complained.
"He should be here by now," Caleb said, wiping his sweat.

"I think he's here," Tess motioned to the car that drove in. They watched as he parked his car and got off.
"His back looks familiar," she muttered.

He grabbed a bag from the backseat and walked towards them. As he approached, Tess swallowed hard.

"Tess," he said out.
There was something about the way he called her name.
"You're the new team leader?" She questioned.
"I guess I am," he chuckled. "I offered to fill in for you."
"Why would you do that?" She asked.
"Because we have unfinished business."


"I'm Tess," she said coldly.
"Jack," he took her hand. "I'm still an assistant now but you're the only rookie left with no trainer so,I'm filling in."


"You're pretty bold," she chuckled. "I have some free time."
"Okay," she walked off as he smiled.

He kept looking at her. He had been observing her. She was different. She didn't join her teammates for training. She always trained alone. Every trainer avoided her like a plaque. She had a dark eerie vibe.
That's how he became her trainer. Tess treated him professionally. No personal feelings included but that wasn't the case for Jack. He was developing feelings for his rookie.

"Oh! You smiled," he smiled at her her when they were having dinner. T"his is the first time I've seen you smile."
She adjusted quickly and put on her cold face.
"You should smile more often,it really suits you."

Jack admired her while she kept her distance. Then, on the day she got recruited officially, he asked her out.

"Tess," he started. "I've been wondering whether I should tell you this or not but I've made up my mind. I like you. Like, I really do. I admire you so much and I would love to date you."

She stood straight and said to his face without blinking. "But, I don't like you. I can't date someone I don't have feelings for. I'm also not interested in relationships." She turned around and walked off.

Jack had a mission then, to be a man Tess would have feelings for.

"What are you guys well versed in?" Jack asked them.
"Homicides, murder," Caleb answered for the team.
"Just like Tess,"he smiled.

"Hello," Tess said into her phone.
"Where are you?" Jason said,with his voice shaking.
"The station,why? Is something wrong?"
"I'm on my way," he disconnected the call.

"Jason?" David guessed.

"Jack,as you know, you only have control over them when I hand them over. Right now, we have work to do."

"Tess," he sneered. "You haven't changed a bit. I'm sure you also know that even though you haven't handed them over, we'll still work as a team."

"Fine," she said. "Whatever you hear or see doesn't leave this team. Brief him Caleb," she walked out.

She was outside the station when Jason's car drove in. She waved to him and he parked. The team was coming out with Jack. Jason ran out of the car and hugged Tess as he sobbed. She was taken aback as Luke followed him. He was shaking violently.
"Jason, what's wrong?" She asked silently.
"He coughed up blood," Luke said. "I told him to go to the hospital but he insisted on seeing you."

"Blood?" Tess asked as her voice cracked. "Is that true?" She raised his head to look into his eyes and he nodded. She sighed as she hugged him tighter and his sobbing subsided.

"Who's the crying man?" Jack asked David.
"Jason Gerard, her boyfriend," he rolled his eyes at him.
"Boyfriend? I thought she wasn't interested in relationships. But why does that sound familiar?" He tried to think.
"Look him up," Caleb advised.

"Hey guys," Luke greeted the team.
"Hey man."

"Who's that?" He motioned to Jack.
"Our new team leader," Eva sighed.
"New team leader? What about Theresa?"
"She's leaving New York," Diana answered.

"What?" He exclaimed.

After Jason calmed down a bit, Tess ushered him to his car and they were talking.
"I'm gonna get it soon," she promised.
"I know you will. I'm just scared," he was shaking again.
"It's okay to be scared but there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll get it, I'm sure of it."
"I told you, I trust you," he said and she moved in to kiss him.
He moved back.
She looked at him,"why?"

"What if it's now contagious?" He asked.
"Then, that's gonna motivate me to get the cure faster," she moved his jaw closer and kissed him.

She got out of the car and went to Luke.
"He's okay now, get him home. I'll see him there."

"You, are you really going back?" He asked her.
"Yeah." She patted his back and left.

After she watched the car drive off, she called her team.
"We have to move faster. Jason's getting worse."

"Is he the one infected?" Jack asked Caleb.
"And you kissed him?" Jack raised an eyebrow.
"He's mine, why shouldn't I kiss him?" She stood in front of him.
"What if you're infected too?" He yelled.
"Then this is the right time to act!" she snapped at him. "He can't die, I won't allow that."

"How do we get the warrant?" Jack asked.
"I'm sure Cap can get it," Eva said.
"Cap?" Tess asked.
"We have that recording, remember?" Mitch spiced up her memory.
"I almost forgot about that," she said.
"After he gets the warrant, we can move in," Caleb said.

"We'll meet for the plan later," Tess informed them. "I have to leave now."

"Yeah,he needs you," David said.
"Tell him we said hi," Diana said too.

"You're going to see your boyfriend now?" Jack scoffed.
"Is anything wrong with that?" She asked him.
"Don't you think this is a desperate situation?"
"That doesn't mean the victim shouldn't be attended to."

"Victim?! Since when did you start to care for people like this?"

"Since I started to love him!"

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