Saengmyeong-eul guhada - Save Life

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         "Don't worry mom," Tess said on the phone. "I'll be back in two days. Alright, I won't skip my meals."

     They were all getting ready for the infiltration.
"Where's the smoke bomb?" Caleb asked Tess.
"Uh, it's right next to the darts," she answered as she typed a message.

   °im going somewhere, I'll see you when I arrive. Be healthy for me 🙂°
   She sent it to Jason and her phone was placed on vibration.
"All phones on vibration please," she said to everyone and they obeyed.

   "Alright," she called their attention. "You all know we may die right?"
They nodded.
"And our bodies may never be found?"

   They nodded again.

"If you wanna opt out, this is the time to do so. I won't hold any hard feelings against you, I promise."

    "We're not leaving," Caleb spoke for the team. "We've got nothing to lose."

"If we die, no one's gonna notice." David said.

"We're not gonna die," she said to them. "When we come back, you guys have to treat me to a nice meal."

  "We promise,"Mitch smiled.

"Let's move out," she said.

   They carried all equipments into her moving van. She checked her phone again. Jason hadn't replied. He hadn't even checked it.
   Mitch drove them to Mr. Harvey's residence.

   "He should be out of the house anytime soon," Diana assured when Tess asked for binoculars.

     "Who do you keep texting?" Caleb questioned Jack and Tess looked at him.
"My girlfriend," he replied without raising his head.
"You, have a girlfriend?" Tess snorted.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"

   "He's on the move," Mitch whistled.

  A black car drove out of the compound.
"Are you sure that's him?" Eva asked.

    "Okay, let's go!" Tess said.

    Tess, David, Eva, Mitch and Caleb all approached the building discreetly. Mitch and Caleb hid behind the flowers on lookout  and started jamming the cameras while the trio went in. The living room was empty. Tess made her way into the kitchen where she found the door. She saw the bird sculpture and tilted it as the wall opened.

   "Oh my God," Eva muttered.
"We're going in," Tess said on her receiver. "You'll probably lose contact with us in a few seconds."

"Copy that," Diana said from her end.

    They approached the stairs and walked down quietly. It had a dark eerie vibe. She pressed the elevator button and it opened.
They all got in and went down. When it opened, they were facing the recognition device that requires the contacts. She out them on quickly but it won't open.
   She tried them again but it wasn't working.

   "Please, type in your password," the automated voice said and she saw the keypad.
"Password?" David muttered.
"Fuck!" Tess banged her wrist on the wall.
"Think about something," Eva persuaded her.
"Yeah, something should ring a bell," David said too.

    She but her lip in frustration as he began typing.
"Mom's birthday," she typed the date in.

"Incorrect," the voice said.
"Oh God," David said,he was sweating harshly.
"Try his birthday," Eva said and Tess typed it in.
"Incorrect, you have one more attempt left before the alarm rings," the voice said again.

"No way, the alarm can't ring. Well be busted."

    She sucked in her breath sharply and tried another number.
"Permission granted," the voice said and the door opened.
"Woah," Eva exclaimed.
"What did you type?" David asked.
"My birthday."
"Guess he is a father after all," David said.

    They walked in but it was awfully silent, unlike the first time she was here. She went straight to the lab and they followed.

"What the fuck?" Eva gasped at the sight she saw. The equipments were all destroyed.
"What the hell happened in here?"

   They checked the other rooms but it was empty.
"I can't believe this," they turned to leave but Tess stopped suddenly.
"What is it?"

    She placed her index finger on her lips, asking them to keep quiet. She walked towards the bathroom and heard a subtle kicking.

    Eva and Mitch were ready for action as she mouthed,"One, two, three." She opened the door and fumes were released. She blocked her nose and saw a man tied up. He was about to go unconscious.

    She bent down to get a clearer view of his face. He was Asian so it's not Lucas.

  "Han Tae-ho?" She muttered and looked into his weak eyes.
"누구세요? (Who are you?)딩 신은 선사가 되어야 합니다. (You must be an angel.)" He said and passed out in her arms.

  "What did he say?" David asked.
"He's speaking hangul," she said.
"What's that?" Eva asked with curiosity.
"Korean alphabet," she answered as they untied him, carried him onto David's back and walked out. They were in the elevator and Tess noticed that Eva kept looking at Tae-ho.

"Why do you keep staring at him?". Tess asked.
"Look at his skin," she said with concern. "It's so white."

"Yeah, he's probably never been near the sun since he was locked down there."
"What has he been eating?" David groaned. "He's so heavy."

    They walked up the stairs as Tess pressed her receiver. "Caleb, Mitch, meet us at the entrance. Diana, start the van."
"Okay," Caleb answered.
"Diana?" Tess called out. "Diana!" She whisper-yelled.

   They closed the passageway and met Caleb and Mitch at the entrance.
"Who's this?"Caleb asked as he took Tae-ho from David and placed him on his back.
"An Asian man," Eva answered.

    They approached the van but went back when a butler was passing by. He looked familiar. Tess remembered him. He once delivered a dress that Mr. Harvey sent to her. He left and they walked to the van. It was not started yet. They entered and Diana was unconscious.
"Diana!" Mitch shouted as he shook her.
"Wait," Tess stopped him.  She pointed to one of the mints on her neck. "She'll wake up soon."

"Where's Jack?" Caleb looked around as he placed Tae-ho in the truck.
"Looks like he left," Tess smiled. "Just like I wanted."

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