A day with me

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"I don't like him," Eva groaned.
"Me neither," Caleb stood up.
"Can't we just do something about it? Like can't we write to the headquarters and demand a new leader?" David inquired.
"Even if that's gonna happen, he has to spend two weeks training us before he leaves," Caleb told them.
"Well, that sucks," Mitch muttered. "It seemed like he has history with Boss."
"I felt the tension too," David agreed.

     Tess drove in and walked into the house.
"Jason?" She called out as she entered.
"I'm right here!" He said from the couch.
"How are you feeling?" She sat beside him. "Any changes?"
"No," he sighed.
"Whatever you need, I'm here."

  He turned to her with a smile.
"There is something I want."
"What?" She asked.
"A date," he replied.

    She kept looking at him.
"A date?" She repeated.
"Yeah, I mean, I might die anytime soon and I want to do what I've always wanted. A proper date."
"You're not gonna die," she assured him.
"I know, I trust you."

"But you still wanna go on that date, don't you?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"You know me too well," he smiled.
"Let's do it."

"Really?" He smiled and she nodded. "I'll get ready."
"What should I wear?" She asked as they walked up the stairs together.
"I'll choose," he said, pulling her to his side as she adjusted his hair.

     They walked into the room, straight to the closet.
"How about this?" Tess pulled out a Balenciaga shirt.
"It's nice," he agreed as he collected it. "It's gonna pair well with these," he showed her his pants.
"What about me?" She pouted.
"I like these," he gave her jean shorts.

"They're pretty, but don't you think it's too short?"
"That's why they're called shorts," he shrugged and she smiled.
   She wore a blue shirt and took her jean bucket hat. She walked out of the closet to see Jason already dressed, going through his choice of sunglasses.
"Come here," he called her over.

    She came and he placed a pair of sunglasses on her face.

"Le Specs Escadrille 57mm angular," she recited as she marveled.
"You know it so well," he chuckled.
"Of course," she started wearing her rings.

"Ah!" He clapped. "Before I forget, I have something to give you."

  He walked to the drawer and brought out a small box. He gave it to her.
"Open it," he urged her.
"What's in it?" She asked eagerly.
"Open it," he smiled.

  She opened it and saw a necklace. More like a choker though. It was a choker with small silver butterflies around it.

  He removed it from its box and wore it for her.
"I don't want you to ever take it off," he said and she blinked slowly.
"Okay," her voice came out silently.

   He grabbed her pouch and they walked downstairs.

"Where should we go first?" He asked as they drove out.
"The amusement park!" She squealed.
"The amusement park it is!"

"You want to ride that?" Jason trembled as he pointed at the Ferris Wheel.
"Yes," she pulled him to the line.
"How about you just ride it alone? I'll wait for you here," he moved back.
"It's not fun that way," she chuckled and pulled him in.
"Tess,I really don't think this is safe," he said, shaking.
"It is," she assured him as the ride started.

    "Are you okay?" Tess asked Jason as she patted his back. She gave him a bottle of water to rinse his mouth.
"Don't be mistaken, it's not because of the ride. I think I ate something bad earlier today," he tried to justify himself.

   They were in front of the restroom where Jason just vomited.
"I thought you were a strong man," she sighed.
"I am a strong man!" He snapped.
"Of course," she taunted. "I can see it."

    She turned to leave when she collided with a rock hard chest.
"I'm sorry," she apologized without raising her head.
"Tess,are you okay?" Jason pulled her.
"It's my fault," the other guy apologized.
"You should watch where you're going,"ⁿ Jason stood up to the guy.
"She bumped into me," he said. "And I already apologized."

"Good for you," Jason snickered.
"Aren't you Jason Gerard?"
"I am,so?"

"You should really get a new man," he advised Tess.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"Why would you date a guy that's not healthy?"

"He's healthy!" Tess snapped at him.
"That explains why he keeps fainting," he snickered and left.

"That fucking son of a bitch!" Tess yelled after him.
"Language please," Jason blocked his ears.
"He was insulting you! Why didn't you say anything?"

"I mean, he's not wrong. I'm not exactly healthy," he shrugged.
"I said I was gonna get the cure. You said you trusted me!"

"I do," he held her hand. "I just keep getting a bad feeling these days."

"I hate you!" She removed her hand and walked off.
"Tess!" He followed her.

      She was sulking. He thought about what to do with her. Should he leave her or let her be? He brought his phone out and took pictures.
   He walked closer and sat on the bench with her.
"Don't say anything. I might kill you by mistake," she said without looking at him.
"That's not even funny," he pulled her chin towards him.

      She looked into his eyes as they maintained eye contact.
"You're really pretty,you know that?"

"Of course," she pouted. "I was loved back in high school."
"When you pout, you look cute too."

"Stop buttering me up," she shunned him and he smiled.
  He handed her his phone.
"Take our pictures."

"I'm a public figure, I need to update my social life from time to time. Some people already think I'm dead."

   She sighed and raised her hand for a selfie.
"Say cheese!" She smiled.
"Cheese? That's so old. What era are you from?"
"Why? Can you think of something else?"

"Just say smile," he raised his hands.
"So old school," she taunted. "Smile," she clicked the first picture.
"Make sure you get this on camera," he said.
"Why? Are you gonna puke again 'cause I'd love to get that on camera."

"Just set the timer," he said as she did it.

"One, two, three," she counted and he gave her a smacker.

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