Set sail!

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Jason was in deep thought as the warm water splattered on him. He was in the shower getting ready for his date with Tess. When she brought up the idea, he didn't believe her. He thought she was joking. She would never ask him on a date, he thought, but here he was, getting ready for what's gonna be the best day of his life.

"Are you done yet?" She called from outside the bathroom.
"Almost!" He answered, turned off the water and fetched a towel. He wrapped the towel round his waist and stepped out the shower. She was sprawled on the bed, holding a toothbrush.
"You can go in now," he pulled her up.
"I like the view," she winked at him and went in.

Pink crept up his cheeks and he felt shy almost immediately. He proceeded to dry his hair and body before she was done. By the time she came out, he was almost dressed. He had his pants on but his shirt wasn't.

"I couldn't find a robe," Tess complained as she made her presence known. He turned around to talk but he froze.
She had wrapped a towel that reached to her mid thighs around her body. Her hair was dripping wet and her bare face made her more beautiful. His body was tingling and he blushed.
"What's wrong?" She moved closer.
"I'll excuse you," he picked his shirt up with speed and walked out.

She shrugged as she dried her hair and body then, let the towel loose. She rummaged through the bag Jason brought from her house and fished out her underwear. She took out her make up kit. After applying a little bit of foundation, she decided to go with waterproof mascara and her eyeliners were heavenly. She already had thick eyebrows so, just brushing it was enough. Her eyeshadows were minimal. She applied a nude lipstick with a little gloss over it.

Then to the outfit, she had a hard time finding what she wanted. She eventually wore a cropped black shirt with short sleeves and faded blue baggy jeans. She wore her light blue sneakers, carried a sky blue purse and a black bucket hat.
She looked at her reflection in the mirror and looked satisfied. She took her phone and walked out.

Jason was sitting on the couch, fully clothed, waiting for Tess. He turned around when he heard footsteps behind him. He was dumbfounded. She was looking so gorgeous and he was trying his very best to look cool.

"You look amazing," he complimented.
"I know," she grabbed his hand and it felt warm immediately. "Let's go!" She squealed and Jason looked surprised.

It felt like Tess was high on sugar as she screamed out the lyrics to One Direction's Best Song Ever during the ride. Jason was so amused that he recorded a video of them. They eventually pulled up in front of a cinema and walked in.

"Two tickets to Wonder Woman 1984 please," Jason asked the lady politely. Tess was getting popcorns and cola. Jason collected the tickets with a silent 'thank you' and motioned to Tess. She had a bowl of popcorn and two colas. Jason tried to pry it off her hands but she wouldn't let him.

They entered the movie theatre which was beginning to fill up and took their seats. Tess started eating the popcorn before Jason took it. She stared at him with an indescribable face.
"You wait until the movie starts before you eat," he cautioned. "That's the rule."
"Says who?"

She sighed. "What are we watching anyway?"
"Wonder Woman 1984."
"Is it interesting?"
"I don't know, this is my first time too," he shrugged.

They began to turn off the theatre lights as the movie started.

"She is just like you," Jason whispered softly.
"No, she's not."

'Excuse me, I don't even know you so please stop following me.'

"See," Jason pointed out. "That was cold."
"He was coming on too strong, I'd say he deserved it. I guess she really is just like me, " she scooped popcorn into her mouth.

"Come on! She's way too strong!" Tess exclaimed as Diana destroyed a lock.
"That's the whole point of the movie!" Jason shouted back.

Someone came with a flashlight pointed at them.
"You guys again?" He was fed up. "One more warning and you're out."
"Puh-lease,like you can kick us out," Jason scoffed.

"He can kick us out!" Tess yelled as she pulled Jason's ear.
They had been kicked out of the theatre.
"I'm sorry," he said he freed himself from her grasp.
"Now we're never gonna know what happened to Diana and Steve."
"They lived happily ever after?" He guessed.
"I'm pretty sure that's not the case."

"Guess who?" A voice creeped Tess out as she shrieked.
Tony was laughing so hard.

"You should have seen your face!" He said, trying to suppress his laughter.
"Very funny, what are you doing here?"

"I brought Vanessa on a date," he said with a smile. He looked so accomplished.
"Ooooh, that's my boy," Tess whistled as she gave him a high five. "So, where is she?"

"The bathroom."
"So, how did you do it?"

"Well, after you embarrassed me the other day, she approached me at school. She apologized and said we should be friends. I told her I couldn't work with that and left. I think she had a little fight with her boyfriend and I was there to console her. They're back together and I hang out with her more often and that's enough for me."

"So, you're not dating?" Tess asked.
He nodded.
"You disgust me,"she looked at him weirdly.

"So, that's your boyfriend?" He nudged her towards Jason who stood, probably annoyed that Tess didn't introduce him.
"No.. he's my.."
"Hi, I'm Jason," he extended his hand.
"Polite and handsome," Tony joked referring to what Tess said when she saw Vanessa. "I like him already."

"Hey,I'm back," Vanessa popped up behind them. "Isn't this your sister?" She smiled.
"Yeah,this is.."
"Vanessa?" Jason called unsure of himself.
"Jason?" Vanessa called back.

"Okay,this is weird," Tony said and Tess stayed silent.

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