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"So,he just disappeared?" Mitch asked.
"Yes," Tess nodded. "And I have no clue where he is."

"Are you sure it's not a prank? Jason can be a little childish sometimes," Eva said.

"Yeah, judging by the note too," Diana agreed.

"No, this prank is too big for him to pull off," Tess shrugged.

She had only one suspect in mind.
"C'mon Luke."

Tess had no option but to go to Mr. Harvey's house. She felt that he had something to do with Jason's disappearance.

This house is a city, she thought as she walked in.

There he was.
Standing there, looking as if he hadn't aged at all. He was coming down the stairs slowly and Tess could feel her heart pounding already. She turned around and slipped a pill into her mouth. She chewed vigorously and walked to the living room.

"Detective Harvey, NYPD," she held up her badge. "Excuse me for coming so late but I have some questions for you."
"Detective Harvey?" He scoffed."What happened to you, Theresa?"

"Do you know Mr. James Sullivan?" She started as she brought out a pen and a notebook.
"Theresa,do you want a cup of coffee or anything?"
"Please, answer the question," she ignored him.
He sighed deeply and said,"Yes,I know James. Why?"
" Does he work for you?"
"Yes, he's my right hand man."
"So, you must know everything about him?"
"I know what I'm supposed to know."

"Where is he right now?"
"Aah,home. That was an obvious answer," Tess chuckled.

"Nice to see you," Mr. Harvey directed his words at Luke. "How's Mr. Gerard?"
"He's doing fine," he smiled subtly.
"I hope he's prepared for tomorrow's conference?" He asked confidently.
"He is."

"But,why are you two here together? Do you work with the cops now?" Mr. Harvey threw at him.
"I simply gave my friend a ride here since it's on my way," he replied.
"My greetings to Mr. Gerard. Tell him I look forward to seeing him at the conference tomorrow."
"That will be all for tonight," Tess stood up.
"How's your mum?"
"The same way you left her," she walked out.
"Goodnight," Luke greeted and Mr. Harvey nodded.

"He's still annoying," Tess said as she pocketed her note.
"What was the point of this interview? We still can't find Jason," he complained.
"He has Jason, I know it."
"Hey, just because you're a detective doesn't mean you know it all. You don't even have evidence!" He yelled.

"Keep quiet for now. If he doesn't appear for the conference tomorrow, then you can make his disappearance public," she walked off.
"Where are you going?"

She sprawled on his bed as she took in his scent. The room smells like him. She stood up and walked into his closet. It was large. His suits were arranged in a wardrobe neatly. She pulled out a drawer and it was full of designer watches. His shoes were shining on the rack and his ties were folded neatly in their place. She wondered if it was his grandma's work.

"Oh right! I should probably inform her," she brought out her phone. "But that will make her worried," she stopped again. "What if he doesn't return, then I'll be blamed?" She asked herself.

"No, no, no. I'm pretty sure he'll appear tomorrow."

She gave herself the assurance she needed and fell asleep on the couch after a can of beer.

"It's almost time!" Luke shouted at Tess. "He's not back!"
"Why do you keep shouting at me? It's not like I'm his bodyguard," she fired back.
"All of this happened because of you! If you hadn't convinced him to follow you to the city hall,this wouldn't have happened!"

"Do you think I went there to play? I told you why I went there and by the way,he volunteered to go with me. I never asked him to come along,he just wanted to!"

"Exactly,why? Why would he follow you there? Are you guys lovers? Are you dating him?"

"So what if I'm dating him? I went there to know more about what happened to your cousin and you yell at me? Do you even want to find him?"

"I don't want to find him, okay? That's what you wanna hear right? I. Don't. Want. To. Find. Him!" He yelled.

They were at the hall, waiting for Jason who seemed to be taking long. Luke brushed his hand through his hair and muttered,"I should have never trusted you," before walking up front.

"Hello. I'm a representative from HolyMan. I'm sorry to announce to you that our CEO will not be able to attend this event due to personal reasons. We humbly apologize and ask you to..."

"It's Mr. Gerard!" Someone screamed from the crowd.

Tess turned around almost immediately. It was him. It really was him.

He was dressed as casual as possible.
Wearing a dark blue hoodie,black trousers and a black cap.

He smiled widely and waved as he passed by Tess. He was worn out, she could see it. He walked to the stage,hugged Luke and whispered some words into his ear.

"I'm so glad I could make it, my fans probably wouldn't have been able to see me but what's meant to be is meant to be."

Fans? She wondered. She looked around the hall and saw a sea of high schoolers and young adults.
Oh,it was a conference for them.

So,they finally released him.

It was an educational conference. He was there to encourage teens and inspire them. As much as this was nice, she couldn't stay for long. After an hour,she left. She drove straight to her house and went to the cottage.

"What happened?" They all asked as she walked in.
"Did he come?" Diana asked with hopeful eyes.
"Of course," she said and they sighed. "I told you guys they were gonna release him."

"So, who did it?" David asked.
"You're gonna have to wait for Jason," she patted his back. "Good work everyone," She smiled.
"Take us out for dinner later!" Eva said suddenly.
"You said you're leaving soon," she said meekly.
"Yeah, if you think about it, we've not had a real team dinner," Caleb supported.

Tess chuckled,"I don't know what to do with you guys."
"How's your replacement going?" David asked.

The mood was suddenly ruined.
Mitch discreetly pinched David.

"It's still in process. I told you it's gonna be hard, I think it's gonna be a guy."

"A man?" Diana asked.
"Yeah, in our rank, I'm the only woman. So, if they're sending anyone from my rank,it's a man."
"I'm still gonna miss you," Caleb said, brushing his neck awkwardly.
"Who knew the big guy had emotions?" Eva hugged him.

Everyone began clearing their throats and they disengaged.
"You guys," Tess smiled. "I'll never forget you."
"We know," they said.

"Hey," someone called from behind. "Did you even miss me?"
She turned around and Jason was standing there in his earlier clothes.
"I didn't," she said calmly.

"I expected this," he moved closer to her and kissed her.

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