Near End

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"We've finally got something!" Mitch cheered.
"After all that trouble," Caleb sighed.

"I'll proceed with the arrest warrant," Diana said and Tess exclaimed,"Wait!"
"Why?" Diana asked.

"Seems like you guys are forgetting something here. This is not an official mission. Your captain already closed this case. We were working undercover. If you file for an arrest warrant, you'll definitely get punished for going behind your chief's back and I don't want my teammates getting a record."

"So what do we do?" Eva asked.
"We find out more," Tess said. "We're not sure that Mr. Harvey killed them. There's no evidence to prove that. Just because you found his hair? Wait until your evidence is dismissed."

"I actually thought something was gonna work out this time," Eva groaned.
"It's still gonna work out," Tess assured them. "This proves that Mr. Harvey, James and Tony are in collusion. There were girls and parts found at Tony's apartment, James frequents Tony's house every night when a body was murdered and Mr. Harvey's hair was found in a girl's hand."

"Can we please take five?" Caleb sighed.
"Why?" Tess asked.
"I just think we need rest," He said.
"Okay, you're free for today," Tess said to them and they rushed out as if they've been waiting for it.

She chuckled and entered the room Jason was in. He was awake, staring at the ceiling. Tess placed her palm on his forehead and his fever already went down.
"Are you okay now?" She asked him as she leaned down.
He looked straight into her eyes and pulled her. She crashed into his chest and her head was between his neck and shoulder.
"Jason," she groaned.

"Just five minutes," he pleaded. "Stay like this for just five minutes."

She took in a deep breath and got on the bed with him. She was beside him and he placed his arms around her.
They were looking at each other silently.

"I don't have real relationships," he started. "Majority of what I had were flings. None of them ever understood me or captivated me like you do. Being a homeschooled kid made it all worse," he pushed a strand of hair away from her face.
"I wasn't exposed. Grandma was super protective of me but I had my ways. There was this club in town for influential people. You get in with an ID. I wasn't planning to sneak out anymore but that day, I was hooked. The club was being all bubbly when suddenly, some chick beat up a guy. It was fucking attractive. I mean, I was eighteen at that time and I couldn't even save myself. I started to sneak out more to that club with the hope of seeing her again but if didn't work. Her video was uploaded but by the time I heard, it was all gone. I didn't even see her face. Seeing you made me remember her. You're the similar."

"So, you're in love with me because I resemble your long lost crush?" Tess raised an eyebrow as she snuggled in further.
"No, I like you for who you are and I already forgot about her. You're unique and that's what makes you special."

"You know," she looked at him. "If I was easily swayed, I would have gotten married to you since we met."
"Really?" He chuckled.
"Yeah, you have a way with words."

He laughed silently.
"Now,tell me more about the club. It sounds like my type of thing."

"Well," he sighed. "To enter, you'll need your membership card. I can't quite remember the name but I think it's still in operation. It was fancy."

Tess furrowed her eyebrows because it's sounded familiar.
"What are the landmarks to see before getting there?"
"There's this mental hospital on the way."

"Saints?" She muttered.
"I think that's it. Do you know it?"
"I've been to that club," she sat up.
"Do you remember how the girl fought? I mean, how the fight started?"

"It's been so long so I'm not sure but I think the guy flicked her forehead first, then raised his hand to slap her,"

"Then, she twisted it, smacked him down and stood on him with her heels," she completed.
"Oh, how did you know?" He gasped.

"That was me," she faced him. "I'm your crush."
"What?" He chuckled, not believing her words. "Wait, you're serious?"
She nodded.

"You were that girl?"
"Yeah, I was in highschool then," she said.
"Wow, so fate does exist."

"I can't believe this."
"Me neither, I fantasized about you for about six months. The scene kept playing in my mind."

"So, you've had a crush on me since that time?" She smiled.
"You see? I'm a faithful person," he said, laying back down and placing her head on his chest.
"I haven't done this in a while," she wrapped her arms around him.
"You can just ask whenever you feel like cuddling," he cuddled back.

"You do know that I may be using you right?" She said.
"I didn't care if you use me or not. At least I get to be close to you and be with you."
"I'm lucky I have you," she closed her eyes.
"No, I'm lucky I have you," he placed his jaw in her head as her breathing stabilized.

"I'm scared," he said again. "These sudden changes in my health give me great concerns. If it's a terminal condition, I should at least spend my last days with someone I love."

"Spout nonsense again and I'll kill you," she said and he smiled.
"I just wish you would leave this rough and harsh life alone, be a new person. Forget about your pain and all the suffering you've gone through."

"Can I really do that?"

"Of course, everyone gets a second chance. You're not exempted."

"I really owe you a lot."
"It's good that you know."

He pulled the covers over them and they both fell I to a deep sleep.

One filled with joy, peace and tranquility.
They were both calm without any worries.

This was a hint that better days were coming.

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