Mighty Confession

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"Hey baby." Luke said into my ears.
"What do you want,ass?"

"Theresa Octavia Harvey, didn't I ask you not to swear?" Ivy smacked me.

"Sorry Mom," I smiled at her.
"Your real name is Theresa?" Luke said to me.

"Shut up." I glared at him.
"You guys look cute together," Scott said, making goo- goo eyes at me.
"I know, right?" Luke agreed.

"Theresa, Luke, your ship name could be Thuke." Ivy opined.
"Sounds like puke," I grimaced.

"Or Leresa?" She said dreamily.
"In your dreams."
"You're in my dreams," Luke said and I groaned.

"What do you want?" I faced him. He was really getting on my nerves by being around me.

"Great question,Theresa," he said, looking straight at me.

"Could you please not call me that?"

"Be my date to Lucas's pool party this saturday," he dropped.

I sat speechless and started into his eyes before regaining my consciousness.

"I have a boyfriend, remember?"

"So?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "That doesn't mean you can't hang with other men."

I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably and he looked at me.

"Wait a second, it's not because of Mendes, you don't want to go with me."

"Thanks a lot for noticing." I smiled at him.
"Rude!"he scoffed.

"Sorry darling, you can't force me to go with you."

"Oh really?" A smile tugged at his lips. "Let's make a deal."

My brown eyes lit up.
"I'm listening."

"If you attend this party as my date, I'll stop bothering you. By bothering,I mean I'll stop following you around. I'll steer clear of you."

I pondered on that for a while before looking over at Ivy who nodded in agreement.

"Okay fine." I said to him as he let out a wide grin.
"Yes!" He screamed for the entire cafeteria to hear.

He placed his lips near my ear and whispered,
"Make sure your bikini's see-through." I turned red as he left.

"Oh my gosh, you're blushing. What did he say?" Ivy asked and Scott also angled his neck towards us.

"Nothing means something."

Scott had a soccer game the next day. Ivy and I sat in the bleachers cheering him on. Then my phone vibrated. A message. From Julian.

I really didn't want to say this through text but I'm to ashamed to face you.

I'm gay.
I never realized it until now. Our meeting yesterday was supposed to be our last meeting until Luke ruined it. I know you're probably cursing at me right now but I don't care.

I want you to be with someone who deserves you cause I don't. You were a sweet girlfriend and I'll never forget that. Bye Tess, I'll really miss you.

Tears stung my eyes as I blinked rapidly. Ivy turned and noticed my mood. I shoved the phone into her hand and sped off.

"Tess, come on. Open the door," Ivy said for the hundredth time. They were back from the game. They tried talking me into opening the door.

It was already 8.pm. I told them that I would see them the next day and they gave up even though I heard Ivy say,"I hope she doesn't do anything drastic to herself."

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