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I led them to their rooms and entered mine. I fished out a hoodie and went downstairs.
"Change him," I flung the hood at Ryder who groaned. I reappeared with a bowl and a towel. I sat and placed Scott's head on my lap as I cleaned his face.

This guy reeked.

After I was done, I grabbed my things and turned to the staircase. Luke was standing there, resting on the railing.
"You need anything?" I asked him and he turned on his heels.


I checked on Lucas before I went to my room. The guy was snoring away. I held in a chuckle as I closed the door. I looked over at Luke's room. I walked slowly to the door and raised my fingers to knock but I retreated.

I entered my room and found his sitting on my bed, monk style.
"You startled me," I said and he looked up. "I never said you could come in."

"I never asked," he replied calmly.
For the first time, he didn't say something stupid or narcissist. He held my necklace in between his fingers, fiddling with it as he immersed himself in thought.
"You wanna talk about it?" I fell onto my bed.
"No," he stood up, dropped the necklace on the table and walked out of the room.

I sighed and followed him to his room. At the door, with his back facing me, he said,"Don't come in."

Yeah, I followed him.
After an hour of staring at each other, the walls and ceiling, he spoke up.
"Tomorrow is my parents death anniversary."

I shifted uncomfortably. Hearing stories like this are really boring to me. You're probably thinking that I'm a psycho but that's how I roll.

A tear slipped down his face.
"Two years ago, when I was still sixteen, my parents died in a fire accident. They had an argument that day and I ran to Lucas's house. When I came back, the house was in flames. They cared for me their whole life and now they're gone. Do you know how shitty that is? If only I hadn't gone to his house that day, who knows maybe I could have been able to stop the fire? I lost everything that day. I felt deserted. Observing their anniversary just makes me miss th-them m.. o.. ore." He broke down finally.

What do you do in situations like this?
Because I had no idea what to do.

"It's okay," I managed to blurt out. "Don't you think your parents would be happy if you went to see them?"

He looked up me and I continued.
"Even though they're dead, won't they want you to live your life happily? Without blaming yourself? Think about it, " I patted his back and stood up from the bed. I walked to the door and looked at him again. ''Goodnight."

That was awesome!

I could be a motivational speaker!

I give nice pep talks.

I skidded down the the stairs smiling at myself who saw another problem sprawled out on the floor.

"I tried to make her leave but....." Ryder gestured to Ivy's wasted body on the floor.

I groaned as I saw Scott fall on her from the couch.

That's the beauty of alcohol.

"Goodnight," I turned back to my room.

I turned and tossed on my bed. It felt uncomfortable. I felt sleepy but I just couldn't close my eyes. I grabbed my blanket and pillow and made my way downstairs. From a distance, I saw Ivy snuggling deeper into Scott's chest.

I guess they made up.

Not to disturb the lovers, I went back to my room and stared at the wall before I drifted away.

Our Story: Harvey's LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora