Project FD-01

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"I told you they had something going on," Caleb whispered.
They were all at the door, peeping at the couple in bed, sound asleep.
"You know it's kinda rude to stare at them," Eva pulled him back and they all retreated.
"She gave us the day off and it's not yet over, what do you guys wanna do?"
"Let's have dinner first," Mitch suggested.
"Yeah, sure."

After about an hour, Jason woke up. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt Tess's hair in his mouth. He chuckled softly as he pulled it out. She looked peaceful from his angle. She was breathing softly.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she said without opening her eyes.
"I have tons of those."

She stood up and stretched slowly.
"I have to work," she announced.
"Why don't you just rest?"
"I've rested enough and that bed isn't ours so get up and go home."

She walked into the main room where the computers were.
"I don't wanna go home. It feels lonely."

She was writing out an address and stood up.
"Go home, I'll join you in an hour," she kissed his forehead and walked out.

"We're definitely dating," he said as he stood up and made the bed.

Tess drove directly to her destination. She got down in front of the apartment building and walked in. She entered the elevator and pressed the floor she was going to. When she got to her floor, she got down.

She was standing in front of apartment 501. She pressed the doorbell and waited for an answer. The door opened and she came out.
"How may I help you?" She asked.

Tess couldn't believe it. She doesn't recognize her. Well, it's understandable.

"I'm Detective Harvey, NYPD," she showed her badge.
"How may I help you?" She repeated.
"I need to ask you some questions about your husband,Mr. Harvey. Can I come in?"

She held still for a while before allowing her in. When Tess was seated, she brought coffee for her.
"Thank you."

Tess took another glance at her. She looked haggard. She was also pale. It was clear that she was suffering.
"What did you want to ask?" She said.

"Don't you recognize me?"

Zoey squinted her eyes.
"I'm sorry, you don't look familiar. Have we met?"

"It's me, Tess. Your husband's daughter."

She stiffened and stared at her. Tears rushed to her eyes and she hugged Tess. It was Tess's turn to stiffen. She was surprised by this action.

After she stopped hugging her, she refused to let go of her hands.
"You've grown so much," she admired Tess. "How's your mother? Is she well?"
"Yes, we're doing fine."

"That's a relief. I want to apologize for everything I've ever done wrong. I was foolish. I took pleasure in seeing you and your mother suffer."

She was crying and Tess felt her sincerity.
"It's okay Aunt Zoey. What happened? Why aren't you with him?"

"Your dad?" She scoffed. "He's not human."
"What do you mean?"

"After your mom got a divorce, he changed. He became an alcoholic. He was obsessed with your mother. One day, he began to beat me up. After beating me up,he would have sex with me until I passed out."

"What?" Tess squeezed her hands. If she's not lying, then she's been through a lot.

"That's not all, I wanted to leave him but he wouldn't let me. He promised to change. I didn't have anyone to talk to. Tiffany had abandoned me. Annalise doesn't even wanna hear about me. I was all alone. Then,after a year, he changed. He was a model husband who made me happy."

"So,what happened again?"

"I can't tell you Tess. That monster will hunt you down."

"Explain so I can understand."

"He started working with chemicals. He started befriending scientists. I didn't know what his plan was until I overheard him talking to someone on the phone. They were gonna make a virus."

"You heard right. He's making a virus. I don't know how he plans to do it but he's gonna sell the virus. Project FD-01, that's what he called it. I started avoiding him until I grew sick of it and one day, I left. I know I didn't exactly run away because I know he knows where I am but it's better to be safe than sorry."

"So, what you're saying is that he's gonna make a virus and sell it to some people?"

"I don't know if he has sold it already."

"This is sick."
"Tess," Zoey clasped her hands. "Please, whatever you do, stay away from him. Don't get involved with him. You'll only get hurt. He's scary. Even if he approaches you, pretend you didn't see him and pass by."

Tess nodded and pretended as if she heard.
"I'll be on my way now," she stood up.
"Tess, once again, I'm sorry. I really mean it."

"It's okay, you were living with an animal after all."
"When you called me Aunt Zoey, it felt good. Where do you live? I wanna visit your mom."

"The same old place," she smiled.

She was about to leave when she stopped.
"Aunt Zoey?"

"The police said he was once a suspect for grandma's murder. They let him go because he had an alibi which was you. Were you really with him that night?"

She swallowed hard.
"Honestly, I wasn't."
"Then why?"

"I don't believe he would actually kill my mother. He's not that evil."

"Well, I don't believe that," she walked out.

Tess pondered on a lot of things during the drive home.

Project FD-01? A virus? Were they going to start a war with it?

She wanted to believe that Zoey wasn't lying but what if she was? Zoey would do anything to save her husband. What if she's barking up the wrong tree?

She sat back as she drove into Jason's compound. She could see him standing in the porch, waiting for her.

Right now, Mr. Harvey's problems had no space. Tess wanted to focus on her happiness.

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