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"Don't worry, you'll do great. It's just a launch," Jason squeezed her hands.
"Just because I agreed to come here doesn't mean I want you close," she removed her hand from his.
"But I do," he moved closer and kissed her.

She moved away swiftly and rolled her eyes at him. She pinched him through his pink trousers and moved closer, "Try that one more time and you're gone."

He smirked and pulled her face towards his. He French kissed her as he entangled her tongue with his. After he pulled back, she was still.
"I'm still here."

She delivered a sharp head butt into his chest and he groaned in pain.
"I was aiming for your head but you have a launch to attend to," she winked.
"This is one of the reasons why I'm attracted to you," he pecked her cheek.

She was wearing a long white dress with silver lining. It had a slight opening revealing the space between her breasts. It had a silver pattern below her cleavage. It was a long flowing dress which befitted her.
Jason was wearing a black suit with a black bowtie that had the exact same silver dust on Tess's dress.

He pulled her up with him to the bathroom.
"What? Why did you pull me up?" She questioned.
"For this," he answered and faced the mirror and he started taking pictures. "This is the trend now."

She tried to suppress her laughter but failed horribly.
"You follow the trend?" She asked with a smile.
"Yes, now focus," he pulled her close and took some pictures. After a few minutes of goofing around, he said,"hug me."

"What? Why?"

"I want us to have at least one loved up photo of us so that I can make the headlines better tommorow," he said.
"But, you're gonna be on the headlines tommorow. You're making a new product and a new concept."

"That's for the business headline." He adjusted his tie. "For the romantic sector," he pulled her close that their noses were almost touching,"I need a good one."

"How about this one?" She pulled him in for an Eskimo kiss. He stood still as she rubbed their noses against each other.
"Why aren't you taking any?"

"Oh, right," he clicked some pictures as she repeated the action.

After keeping his phone,he turned to leave but he saw her still standing.
"Are we done?" She asked.

"So, what now?"

They stared into each other's eyes and Jason's eyes flickered to her lips. They were moving in slowly when a knock interrupted them.

"Who is it?" Jason called awkwardly and Tess moved away looking at everything except his face.
"It's me," Luke answered.
"What is it?"
"It's time."

"Okay, thanks!"

He looked in the mirror one last time and pushed a strand of hair from his face. Tess took a deep breath.

"Why do I feel so nervous?" She gulped.
"Because you love me?" He joked.

"You love me and you're afraid of messing up," he faced her directly. "Trust me, you've got this."

"That doesn't put me at ease at all."

They interlaced their arms and walked out of the bathroom, then the room.

"And now, the man of the hour, Mr. Jason Gerard!" Luke announced.

The spotlight was focused on them as they walked on the red carpet. Tess stood with her head straight, a subtle smile and Jason did the same. Cameras flashed here and there and people applauded.

They walked to the front row and took their seats. Luke got up, made some introductions and a little speech.

"Mr. Gerard?" Luke called.
Jason was busy looking at the rings on Tess's fingers that he held in his palm. She stepped on his foot to bring him back to reality.

"What?" He looked around for answers.

"Mr. Gerard? Your presentation?" Luke called awkwardly.

"Oh," he let go of Tess's hand and stood up as people applauded,"it's time."

"Ladies and gentlefolks, honoured guests from far and wide, people of all ages, I am Jason Gerard. We are very much grateful to see this place filled with people who came to celebrate and honor us. You are all here today to witness a change in the history of underwear, briefs and boxers.
Made out of latex and astronaut material, we are introducing a new line of underwear. It fits with your body perfectly and doesn't give you rashes. It's not too tight because it looks like it was made just for you. What's so amazing about this line is that you get to share this precious moment with your little buddys. It comes in pairs.
This collection is made especially for you and your son. He's an infant? No problem, we've got it. Preschooler? Piece of cake. Fourth grader? It's okay. Teenager with mood swings? We've got you covered. Your son just finished college? It's a good sign. You're already a grandpa? Congratulations. We have you covered from every angle.
I am proud to announce to you, our latest collection, Fatherd!"

He pointed to the big screen and Fatherd was written in big cursive letters with a picture of the underwear set beside it.


That was all that was heard in the auditorium for two minutes. Jason was bowing and saying a lot of 'thank you's'.
The underwear had the company's name written in front of the band and Fatherd written behind it.

He asked for a minute of silence and drew everyone's attention to the slideshow on the big screen. A lot of sounds were heard from the ladies who were gushing at Jason's half naked body. After the men's photoshoot slide ended, Jason's and the little boy's shoot started.

'aww's filled the entire hall as everyone gushed at how cute they looked together. In one picture, he was holding the boy up. In another, they both held the same pose.

It was an interesting experience for the viewers who seemed to be enjoying the view. After the slideshow ended, people applauded.

"I wish I had a son," he said dreamily into the microphone and the auditorium echoed with laughter. "But as you know, I'm still on the market," he prompted more laughter.

"I'm pretty sure it's not for a long time," he looked straight at Tess. Everyone laughed, but he wasn't joking. This was real. He meant business and she knew it unless if she chose not to acknowledge it.

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