Work It

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After the launch,a lot of people wanted to meet Jason so Tess left without telling him.

Meanwhile,back at the police station,the team was facing difficulties trying to get into the Captain's office.

"I'm going in," Mitch announced and rose up.
"Be careful," Diana pulled him and gave him the bug.

"I will, wish me luck," he fist bumped David.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
No answer.

He opened the door a bit and peeped through the little space. It was empty.
He slipped in silently and looked around for a place to stick the bug.

The table? Nah,it was too obvious.

He looked closer at the flower vase on the table and an idea came to mind. He emptied the vase and threw the bug in and then rearranged the flowers back into the vase.

"What are you doing?" Captain's voice startled him and he almost knocked the vase over. He stood still and looked shocked,still bent over.
He slowly adjusted himself to a standing position and took a deep breath.

"What were you doing in my office when I wasn't here?" He demanded.

"Uh..uh.. Caleb!" He said suddenly.
"Caleb sent me here."

"Caleb? Why?"

"He..uh.. asked me to ask you something," Mitch stammered.
"Ask me what?"
"About our next mission. He wants to know about what we're going to do from now on."

"You lie low until you're needed. Think of it as a vacation but if there are emergencies,you will be called," Captain explained.

"So, we just sit around doing nothing?"
"Exactly,now get out and don't come into my office next time."


"I told you to be careful!" Diana smacked him.
"Ow! I was being careful. He was just super silent when he walked in."
"Okay,let's do some quick surveillance ad try to locate James before boss is back," Caleb ordered.
"Looks like she's having a good time," Eva chuckled as she showed them photos from Jason's Instagram.

"She doesn't even look like a cop," Mitch complimented.
"That's why I like her," David added. "She knows how to balance it all."
"Okay!" Caleb smiled. "Less talking,more working."
"What are you working on?" Tess asked as she walked in.

She had changed into more comfier clothes.

"You're back already?" Eva asked and they looked surprised.
"Yeah, I left immediately after the launch," she placed her jacket on the couch. "What are you guys up to?"
"We bugged Cap's office but we're still trying to locate James,"Mitch explained.
"Okay, I'll let you guys get on it," She approached a computer.

"You're working too?" David asked.
"Yeah," she pulled a chair to the computer.

"So, you and Jason?" Diana smirked and everyone looked at Tess while still working.
"Me and Jason what?"

"Are you guys like a couple now?" Caleb asked.
"No,"she said, not taking her eyes off the computer.
"The pictures we saw said otherwise," Eva placed her jaw on her palm and her elbow on the table.

"They were just pictures, it doesn't mean anything."
"The looks on his face said otherwise," David smirked and the ladies laughed except for Tess.
"Yeah, give the guy a chance. He's really into you," Mitch advised.

"You guys just proved that you can work on this yourselves," she stood up, took her jacket and walked out.

"So? Does Vanessa like you yet?" Tess
asked Tony. After she left, she went straight to Theresa's Diner to see Tony.

"Well, after you placed me in a tight spot the other day, I told Vanessa how I felt. She was speechless for a while until she excused herself to go to the bathroom and never came back." Tony sighed.

"So, you don't see her at school at all? I thought your lockers were beside each other."

"She keeps avoiding me. When we bump into each other in the hallway, she acts awkward and runs off. I feel like I'm the problem," he sipped his coffee.
"What if she actually likes you?" Tess suggested as she ate some biscuits.

"She likes me? So she's avoiding me? Nah," he dismissed it.
"Well, maybe you should ask her."

"She just walked in," she nudged him in that direction.
"What? Really?" He started adjusting his hair.

He turned around and saw Vanessa standing, ordering something.
"Let's get this over with," he stood up and walked up to Vanessa. As soon as she saw him, she wanted to make a run for it but he pulled her hand and walked out.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He pulled her to a stop outside the diner.
"I'm not avoiding you," she started looking everywhere else except his eyes.
"You can't even look me in the eye," he scoffed.
"I just can't raise my head up properly," she lied.

"I understand if you don't like me but that doesn't mean you have to keep avoiding me. It was my fault for telling you how I felt when you clearly didn't feel the same way," he gave up.
"Tony.. "

"You have a boyfriend, I get it. You like him and and I'm intruding. You didn't have to make it awkward."

"Tony, I didn't mean it like that," she tried to explain.
"I'm sorry. Just don't avoid me anymore, it's painful."

He walked away to his bike and drove away. Tess walked closer to Vanessa who stood on the spot and faced her.
"Look here pretty b, that guy is one of the most liveliest people I know and if you're not interested in him, tell him. Stop avoiding him like a plaque, tell him you don't feel the same way and stop this. It's not healthy for him, I don't care about you so, whatever," she looked at her straight and walked away.

Vanessa stood on that spot for a while before walking away.

Tess's phone vibrated a few times in her pocket. It was Jason. She sighed before picking it up.

"I wanted to tell you before I left but I couldn't see you. You were busy and I didn't want to... "

"Tess! I saw him!" He yelled. "He's here!"

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