Health Issues?

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Luke and Tess were sitting outside the room as the doctor attended to Jason. It was kinda cold in there and Tess was in a hoodie with her bare legs exposed. Luke sighed as he removed his jacket and covered her legs with it before sitting beside her.

"Thanks," she said without looking at him.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked.
"I don't know, should I?"

"I'm sorry Tess. There's been a lot going on these days. I'm sorry I took out my frustration on you."
"So, you really meant it when you said you don't wanna find Lucas?"

"Of course not. I wanna find him, really."
"Let's give it our best," she said.

The door opened and the doctor walked out with a nurse.
"How is he?" They chorused.
"He's fine now, he's awake."
"Still nothing?" Tess asked him.
"I'm afraid, yes. All the tests we've conducted on him show nothing. They all came out normal. It's like he's perfectly fine but I know he's not."

"Yeah, he isn't," Luke agreed.
"Then,it's either two things." Tess said. "He's either playing a prank or he developed a new illness."

"Doesn't seem like a prank to me." The doctor said.
"Yeah," Luke agreed again. "It's kinda real."
"Thank you," Tess said to the doctor and walked into his room gently.

"What?" He chuckled weakly as he saw Tess. "Am I dying?"
"Shut up," she hit him.
"It's only when I collapse that you don't think about work. I think I'll do that more often."
"Faint one more time and you're dead," she threatened.

Luke walked in.
"Hey buddy," he said. "You okay?"
"Fit as a fiddle."
"You're not fit as a fiddle. There's something wrong with you but they can't find the cure. Doesn't that bother you?"

"Of course it does! What choice have I got?!" He screamed suddenly and Tess was taken aback.

She nodded her head and stood up.
"Get some rest," she handed Luke's jacket back to him and walked out.
"Tess!" Jason tried calling her back but she was gone.
"She was worried," Luke told Jason.

Tess took a taxi to her house. She walked in and changed her clothes. She approached the cottage and it was awfully quiet.

No chattering.
No arguing.

She walked in slowly, ready for anything.
She peeped and saw that they were all listening to something.

"I was right about you. You're evil! Pure evil."
"Easy there old geezer, don't waste your time. No one's gonna believe you."
"They will, with the evidence."
"What evidence?"

"That's grandma's voice," Tess spoke up and they saw her.
"Yeah, and guess who she was talking to?" Mitch said.
"Mr. Harvey," Tess answered.

"What evidence do you have?"

"I'll never tell you!"

"Fine then!"

Then a loud sound was heard. Probably a door.

"What was this recorded?" Tess asked Diana.
"About ten minutes before her estimated time of death."
"I got my suspect," Tess nodded.

"He had an alibi."
"Yeah, had. His wife said she lied because she couldn't believe that her husband would kill her mother. It was a false testimony."

"What do you think they were arguing about?" Eva asked nobody in particular.
"I don't know. All I know is that grandma found out a huge secret."

"I found out something," Diana said from her computer.
"Mr. Harvey has a pharmaceutical company."
"Like they produce drugs?" Tess raised an eyebrow.
"Exactly. The factory is just a few miles from his house and the company is a little bit farther."

"A pharmaceutical company," Tess muttered.
Something was bugging her.

"Can you play that recording again?" She asked Diana.

"I was right about you. You're evil! Pure evil!"

"Evil, pure evil," Tess repeated.

°he's evil, pure evil!°

She remembered those words. Lucas said the same thing when they met.
"Move!" She said to Diana.

Diana stood up hurriedly. Tess sat down and started typing. Diana's mouth hung open. She had no idea Tess could do this, nobody did.
"What is she doing?" David asked Diana.
"I'm not sure but I think she's tracking someone."

"Found it!" She shouted.
"What did you find?" Caleb asked, confused.
"Diana, where is this place?" She asked.
"That location? That's Mr. Harvey's house."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"So,are you gonna start explaining?" Caleb shrugged.

"Sit tight," she chuckled.

"When I met Lucas,he said that they were trapped where they were. He said they killed someone to replace him. It means they needed Lucas. It's not ordinary kidnapping. Mr. Harvey's wife told me he became obsessed with chemicals at one point and was working on a virus. Guess who's good with chemicals?"

"Lucas," Eva piped in.
"When I met Lucas, he hugged me and I used that opportunity to stick this on him," she raised up a sticker.
"What's that?"
"A location tracker," she answered. "Jason went missing after that time so I forgot that something like that was on him."

"So, what you're saying is that Mr. Harvey has Lucas and they're creating a virus?" David said.
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure the one he created like ten years ago is already sold. He's probably creating another one."

"I don't know if you noticed but that doesn't solve the murders," Diana spoke up.
"You're right," Tess agreed.

"And we don't even have evidence to pin Mr. Harvey."

"We'll find one," Tess said. "Diana, what's new with Mr. Harvey?"
"He's going to Switzerland tonight with James."

"Tonight," Tess muttered. "That means I can get into his house tonight."

"Are you crazy? It's a suicide mission," Caleb said.
"Then I'm Harley Quinn for the night," Tess patted his back and walked to the drawer.

"Diana, I want Mr. Harvey's thumbprints and eye contacts before sunset."
"Got it, boss."

"The rest, find more evidence on the murders. Caleb, please visit the orphanage and collect the visitors list. It should be ready."
"Aye aye captain," he walked out.

Everyone was immersed in their job. Tess could see determination.
"Yeah, let's get these assholes!"

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