Covert Operation

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"Is everything in there?" Tess asked as she carried the bag.
"Yes, except for these," Diana placed a case in her hand.
"The contacts?" She asked.

Tess walked to another drawer and brought out some gadgets.
"What are those?" David asked.
"This can open any digital locked door," she raised it up. "This will jam the security cameras," she raised another up.
"Wow," Diana gasped. "Ever since my training, I've not seen one of those. Where'd you get it?"

"From Texas," she replied.
"They let you take it?" Mitch asked.
"I stole it," she dipped them into her bag.
"As expected," Caleb murmured.
"What? Still not in support of me going?"

"It's too dangerous," he said, trying to talk her out of it.
"That means it's perfect."

She was dressed in a black turtle neck, black jeans and black boots. She grabbed a cap and wore it.
"Just in case I run into anyone," she shrugged. "Let's go," she pulled Caleb.
"Wait, he's going with you?" Eva asked.
"Yeah, he's my getaway driver," they walked out.

"Do you think I was too harsh?" Jason asked from his bed.
"On who? Tess?"
"I think it was okay."
"Really?" Jason sat up.
"Yeah, I mean, I've never really seen you yell at her. You've never been angry at her."
"Do I need to? She doesn't make me angry."

"Back when we were in highschool, I never really got mad at Tess too. I condoned everything because I was in love but she ignored my feelings."
"Well, did you try telling her?" Jason asked.
"About my feelings? I don't remember."

"She's insecure about her feelings. She doesn't love or trust easily. She's very cautious. She has the prettiest eyes. When she smiles, which is rare, she looks like an angel."
"You sound like a love struck guy," Luke chuckled as he made himself comfortable on the couch.
"I am a love struck boy," he smiled at the ceiling.
"Well, lover boy, you better make your apology a fast one. She hates late apologies."
"I know that but she's probably asleep by now," he closed his eyes.

"Wish me luck," Tess said as she got off the car. Mr. Harvey and James just departed.
"Don't lose contact," he warned.
"Got it," she whispered.

Her outfit helped her blend in with the walls. She got easy entrance into the compound. She slid silently to the front door and removed the CCTV jammer. She turned it on and waited for a while until the cameras lights turned off. She kept it under a flower and stood by the door. She listened for voices and the coast was clear. She opened the door gently and walked inside. She stuck a bug behind the TV and under the living room table. Next, she taped a tiny camera onto the framed picture.

She walked up the stairs and didn't see any sign of butlers. Weird.
She entered the master bedroom and looked around.
No safe, nothing. That's odd.

She looked closely at the painting. It was slightly tilted to the side. She brought it down and saw a safe behind it. She placed the code cracker on it and waited a few minutes silently. When it beeped, the safe opened. She took photos of every paper with reading and locked it. She then placed the painting back above it.

She slipped out of the room and walked downstairs. Lucas's location was here but there's nobody here. The rooms were empty too. She rested against the wall a little farther to the left in the kitchen and saw a small bird sculpture.
"What is a sculpture doing in here?" She touched it. She accidentally pushed it back with her hands and heard creaking somewhere. A door opened in the kitchen.

"Whoa," she said.
"What is it?" Caleb's voice came in through the receiver.
"I just found my treasure," she walked in the door. It had a staircase that led down. She was walking down the door closed. She wasn't bothered.

She kept walking until she saw an elevator.
"Yay, another surprise," she said sarcastically.
As she got into the elevator, several thoughts ran through her mind. If the elevator door opens, she may be exposed. Well, she had to be ready for anything. She brought out a taser and a pocket knife.

She was ready to strike when the door opened. There was no need to strike, no one was there. She placed them in her pocket and walked down the hallway. She got to another door that required either a finger print,a password or an iris scan to open. She wore the contacts quickly and the door opened.

It smelt like a hospital. It was silent. She could hear laughter coming from somewhere. There are people here? Technically, Lucas must be here.
"Caleb, I found something." She whispered but didn't get any response. "Caleb?"

They must have lost connection. She walked past a lot of empty rooms. She saw one with a weird door knob. She opened it and it was all white. There was a camera at her angle ninety. She took a quick picture before she froze.

°when I woke up,I was in a white room. All white. It had a camera°

She had a flashback to when Jason was kidnapped. Was this the place? So Mr. Harvey actually kidnapped Jason?

She walked deeper into the hallway and saw a room filled with chemicals. It was like a lab. A door opened somewhere and she hid quickly.
"I just wanna take a shower," he chuckled. "You lovebirds better not mess with me tonight."

Lucas. That was Lucas's voice.

She followed him silently until she reached a door and tapped him on the shoulder silently. He stiffened before turning around slowly. He was about to scream when she covered his mouth and removed her cap. He gasped and pulled her into the bathroom.
"Hey buddy," she panted.
"What are you doing here? How did you even know about this place?"
"I'm a cop, remember?"
"Still, it's dangerous for you to be here."
"What are you doing here? What do you do? Or, do you wanna tell me you've been locked in here for years doing nothing?"

"I work with a scientist. We're making a virus." He confessed.
"A virus?"
"Yeah, he made one ten years ago and the boss sold it. This one will be made and then spread through New York and eventually, the world. Then, we'll present the cure for a price."
"Is it perhaps Project FD-01?"
"You know about it?"
"Is it?"
"No. The one sold years ago was Project FD-01. The one we're making is Project FD-02."
"This man is crazy."
"That's why I told you to leave the city. By the way," he said hurriedly. "Is Jason okay?"
"Why wouldn't he be?" She raised an eyebrow. "Is there something else?"

He sighed and told her.
"On the day that I met you, Jason was brought here. We were ordered to inject Jason with Project FD-02. He was the test subject. He's probably fainting frequently now."

"Jason is infected?" She muttered, unable to believe what she had just heard.

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