He's back.

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Tess was pacing up and down the cottage as the team worked. She was waiting for Jason. After he hung up without telling her who he saw, she was anxious. He called to tell her he was on his way but he hadn't arrived yet.

"You're distracting us," Mitch called her attention when he couldn't take it anymore.
"Don't mind me and just keep working," she shunned him.
"No, we're not gonna keep working. Your excessive tapping makes it worse,"Caleb agreed.

"I'm just waiting for Jason," she surrendered and walked to the door when it burst open, almost hitting her in the process.
"I'm here!" Jason announced, trying to regain his breath. Tess held him still when it seemed like he was going to fall.

"Who did you see?" Tess asked immediately.
He looked at her and said,"James, that motherfucker!"
"James?" Caleb stood up.
"Where?" Tess probed further.
"The launch, he accompanied someone to the launch."

"Mr Harvey, one of our partners."

Tess stood still for a while.
"Mr Harvey?"
"What's his full name?"
"Um... I'm not sure but I think it's..."
"Tom Harvey," they chorused simultaneously and Jason turned to her.
"You know him?"

"I'm pretty sure it's a misunderstanding. Do you have a picture I can see?" She asked and the team started standing up closer to her.

"Yeah," he brought out his phone and went to his photos. "I took these when they were leaving."
He handed the phone over to her and her eyes became glassy. She threw her head back as tears threatened to spill out, handed Jason's phone back to him and ran out.

"Tess!" He went after her and everyone else stood on the spot.

"Tom Harvey," Diana muttered and sat down by her computer, tapping vigorously.

A fresh page was loaded and it brought all his particulars.

"Company owner," she started counting. "Relations,he got married twice. First wife: Barbara Harvey. Second wife: Zoey Harvey. Child: Tess Harvey."
She said the last line with a heavy mouth.

"He's her father?" David asked.
"That's not possible, there's nothing like that in her records." Diana started typing again.

Another page was loaded.
It was Tess's page.

Her mother wasn't even listed as her relation. It said she was found at a bus station and then went to an orphanage in Texas. There was nothing about her personal life there. It was plain.

"It's all hidden on purpose," Eva said.
"That means she really is a stealth agent," Caleb finalized unable to believe.

"But,for a stealth agent, don't you think she's too open?" Diana asked as she stood up.
"True, she doesn't even hide her true self."

"There's more to this," Mitch concluded.

Tess was agitated. She was shaking violently. How could he come back into her life? What if he's a criminal? He was a bad father but what if he's on a whole new level? The third girl said she heard an elderly man's voice, what if it was him? Why was he back in their lives? If he was seen at the launch, that means he must have seen her. He's back in their lives!

She placed her hands over her ears as if to block voices out as tears streamed down her face. She was screaming out loud as tried to fight off the memories.
"It's okay," Jason pulled her into his arms and blocked her ear again. "It's all gone,let it out," he asked her and she started whimpering.
She freed herself from his grasp and ran to her cabinet. She fished out a bottle of drugs and forced two pills down her throat before Jason could stop her.
"Tess!" He rushed to her side.

She started choking and he quickly got her a glass of water. After gulping it down,she seemed to have calmed down but was still breathing heavily. He sighed and carried her outside to his car.

"What's wrong with her?" Caleb asked as he emerged from the cottage.
"Can you please open the door?"

Caleb opened the back door and Tess was placed inside. She didn't seem conscious.
"When Barb asks about her,just tell her we went on a date. Don't say anything about Mr Harvey," he warned clearly before entering the car.

He carried her gently inside his house. Damn,it was a mansion. Entering the compound, you had to go through another road to get to the main house. It had two large pillars holding it up. He placed her gently on the couch in the living room and went to the kitchen to get a bowl and a towel.

He soaked the towel in cold water before wringing it and placing it over her forehead. She was hot and at the same time sweating.

"Jason? Who is that?" An elderly woman walked in. She had white hair which was surprisingly styled well. She was wearing a gown that reached her knees and a pair of Crocs.

"Grandma,this is Tess."
"Oh,I almost didn't recognize her. She looks better even in real life," she admired her. "What's wrong with her?"

"I think she's traumatized. I carried her away from her house before Barb could see her."

"That was a wise thing to do. Barb deserves rest," she sat down and placed her palm on her forehead. "Get the thermometer."

Jason ran to the kitchen and grandma cared for Tess. She was groaning and crying. Her temperature was taken.

"39° celsius," Grandma muttered. "She's in pain."

"So, what made her like this?"

"Grandma, do you know who Tom Harvey is?" Jason asked without answering her question.

Grandma's eyes had a dark shade almost immediately.
"Of course I do. He's her father. He did a terrible thing to Barb and Tess all those years ago. Is he back because if he is, I swear as long as there is breath in my body, I will..."
"He's one of our partners." Jason voiced out.


"She's never gonna like me, is she? I feel like I'm ruining her life the more."

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