Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep

I groan hitting the alarm by the side of my bedside table and going back to sleep.

"Beep beep beep beep beep be-" the annoying twins started saying until I chucked my alarm clock at them.

"Get out" I said "no get up" they said togethers.

I groan pulling the cover off and walking into the bathroom, I played titanium as I hopped in the shower singing the lyrics (A/N: she soundly like Madilyn the video above).

I walked out still singing the song and got dressed ready for school, I walked down stairs when the song finished and I was greeted by 10 HOT boys in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Morning" I said and I got 'morning' or 'hi' in return.

I was about to eat when Colt and Dexter started drinking .... Blood.

I think I just lost my appetite, I got up ignoring the boys looks and grabbed my keys and walked to my new black truck.

I started driving to school but grabbed a muffin and coffee at the cafe near the school.

Once I reached the school grounds I parked my truck and grabbed my coffee and muffin and walked out and walked to my 2 best friends, Hazel and Emerald.

"Hey" I said sitting next to them under the tree "what happened?" Hazel asked and I looked at her confused.

"Your early" Emerald stated and I made a 'O' shape with my mouth.

"Dumb and dumber decided to drink 'that' in front of me again" I said sighing.

Hazel and Emerald are the only ones that know about me living with a bunch of supernatural guys, well everyone knows I live with guys but not the supernatural bit.

"They have no humanity I swear" Hazel said shaking her head.

We had been talking for about 15 minuets when Jackson came running up to us.

"Amelia why did you walk off like that?" Jackson asked obviously angry.

I took another sip of my coffee and threw my muffin rubbish at him "I lost my appetite" I said simply.

He should know by now that I hate it when the twins drink blood in front of me it makes me uncomfortable you know since I'm human.

He sighed letting the subject go and was happy I at least ate something.


"Thank god this is the last week of school" Hazel said throwing her fist in the air as we walked out of the school building over to my car.

I laughed at her and Emerald joined in "I agree, wanna come mine I don't wanna deal with the lecture of 'you should walk out unprotected'" I said and they laughed and nodded.

We reached my car and got in, Jackson had detention again........ Nothing new so I won't be seeing him for a while.

The drive home was quick because we were just messing around and singing to all the songs on the radio.

I got out of the car along with the girls and turned around to find 9 boys on the porch all with there arms crossed, here we go.....

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO" Cash yelled making me and my friend flinch.

"To school" I said looking at his angry eyes "how many times do we have to tell you not to leave on you own, you live with us so you are more likely to be in danger" he said softening his eyes.

"It wasn't my choice to live here" I whispered but only the girls and the triplets could here because the girls were right next to me and the wolfs have better hearing than the vampires.

"You don't mean that do you?" Luke asked on the verge of tear same as Cruz and Finn.

I didn't answer I just walked passed them with the girls on me heels and up to my room.

I collapsed on my bed wanting to cry my eyes out, Hazel and Emerald hugged me and I sobbed into there shoulders.

"They don't get it and they never will" I sobbed.

After a few more minuets I pulled away and wiped the tears from under my eyes then smiled "come on let's make the most of this before they kick you out" I said giggling.

After about 2 hours of just being crazy the boys kicked them out, well asked them to leave and Jackson took them home because he only just got back and it was his punishment for getting detention.

I walked into my bathroom once they left and did my business and changed in to my pj's.

I walked out and was automatically thrown on my bed.

I looked up to see 10 very very angry boys looking at me.

"Why did you walk out" Levi asked "maybe because I lost my appetite" I said looking at the twins who caught on to what I said and immediately felt guilty.

"Were sorry" the twins said and next thing I know they are hugging me to death.

I send pleading eyes to the guys for help but they just laugh and walk out.

"Guys get off please" I said but they they started doing something they have never done before.

They started licking my neck, I knew where this was going and I tried to push them away Colt moved away and moved to the door and I hear a clicking down meaning he had locked it then he returned to the spot and licked my neck again.

Help I said though the mind link.

They were about to bite when they door burst open and Luke and Cruz dragging the twins out.

They had never done that before, what's going on?

I didn't get time to think again because Cash walked up to me and put me to sleep that's when I had the dream.....

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