Chapter 77

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Darkness, that is all I can see.

"Because you have sacrificed your life to save your 6th child" a voice said to me.

Who is that? I can't speak, I can't move, will I always be like this?

"No child remember the ritual your on the last step the sacrifice"

So I'm going to be alive again, sweet...wait I died?!

"Yes child but do not worry"

I wonder what my girl looks like?

"You have not gave birth to her yet"

Oh, well she better hurry up cause I'm bored here and I want to hug everyone.


I don't mean out holographic imaging in front of me that is just mean

The voice laughed and I groaned.

I'm stuck with a creep.

My life just keeps getting better.

"I'm not a creep I'm your brain"

Ah shit


I had to do it 😂😂

This is to make up for the one of the missing chapters and because I was bored

Anyways I need your help.

As you know I'm making other fanfic's but I don't know what the main girl should look like and I need you excellent ideas.

Her personality is, she is friendly, smart, funny, bad ass.
Her skills are, dance, racing, making cars, art, combat, hacking and athletics.
This is where where I need you help.
I need her:

First name:
Last name:
Hair colour (as crazy as you want):
Eye colour:
Pet (I'm thinking maybe something she found):

Also if their is anything you want to add to her personally or skill let me know.

I live in a house with a bunch of guysUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum