Chapter 27

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I woke up in a blank room with no windows all it had was a bed, 2 cots and a door that was probably locked.

I looked in the cots and saw my children sleeping, I checked them and saw that they weren't injured.

"We won't hurt them" I heard a voice say I turned around to find a man Iv never seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked "my name is non of your concern but I will tell you that the mansion is very....agitated with you being here" he said.

I guess I'll call him....lame dude.

What Iv just woke up I can't think straight.

"So why am I here?" I asked getting bored.

"Well you are going to be a beautiful trophy when I freeze you. And your children are going to be trained to work for us" that made me growl.

He laughed and was about to walk out when he stopped.

"You pregnant" he said and I sniffed the air and I could smell that my sent had changed.

"I'll make sure to get rid of it before it's born" he said laughing and walked out the door.

I cried and held my stomach, he can't kill my baby.

"What's wrong mommy?" I heard Sophie say. I looked up and saw Sophie and Jake looking at me with worried eyes.

"Your going to be having a brother or sister" I said taking them out of the cots and putting them on the bed.

They squealed but then stopped "where are we?" Jake asked.

"A bad man has took us" I said as I held my children close to me.

"Don't worry Amelia we will protect them and the baby inside of us" Ocean said to me and I smiled.

She is probably going to be the only on that keeps me normal.

"I know" I said to her.

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