Chapter 17 Max POV

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I'm going crazy, the kids won't stop crying, the pack is going crazy and her brother are killing me over mind link.

When we get the news that Amelia had been taken by Jordan I was heart broken.

Everyone that can is out looking for her.

"Alpha we have a lead" one of the warriors said through mind-link.


The lead turned out to be a bust, which made everyone even more angry.

I was in my office looking at maps and paper work with Jack and Josh when Amelia sent something through mind-link.

"Help me, I'm not sure where I am but Jordan is forcing me to marry him tomorrow, I love you all and if something goes wrong tell my kids I love them and Max thank you for the love you have given me"

And then she cut of mind-link, I growled making Jack and Josh flinch.

Sandra (Amelia's mom), David (Amelia's dad), mom, Ashley, Emerald and Hazel came storming in.

"The pack is going riot after hearing that and we can't calm them down" mom said and I growled and told everyone through mind-link to calm down.

"Wait Cash is a Warlock Iv heard that he can track mind-links maybe we can ask" Emerald suggested.


"Have you found her"

"No but she sent a mind link and I was wondering if you could track it"

He was silent a first.

"If you keep going east of you territory you should find her"

"Thanks Cash"

"Keep her safe"

And he cut the link off.

"Let's go"

I'm coming for you Amelia.

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