Chapter 25

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"Let's play a game" Hazel said.

We were at home just me and the girls , the boys were training so we are on our own.

"What game?" Ashley asked "well it's not really a game but we have to say 5 things we like and 5 things we hate" she explained and we agreed.

"Me first" said Natalie.

"I like, sports, food, shopping, boys and the colour orange"

"I hate slags, losing, green, fish and vampires"

"Me next" Ashley said.

"I like reading, hitting slags, food, shopping and the colour red"

"I hate slags, romance movies, turtles, losing to Natalie and vampires" "YOU HATE TURTLES" we all yelled

She was about to argue but I cut in "emerald your next"

She sighed and started.

"I like TURTLES, video games, shopping, the colour blue and chicken"

"I hate slags, slags, slags, slags and sluts" we just stared at her "what?" She asked.

"Nothing me next" Hazel said.

"I like rabbits, gardening, cheerleading, shopping and the colour pink"

"I hate bananas, snails, cats, sluts and the outdoors"

"And me" I said.

"I like wolves, dance, singing, acting and the colour purple"

"I hate shopping, sluts, Jordan, snakes and rats"

"Sing for us" they all said, I sighed.

Emerald and Hazel knew I sing but they never told anyone because I didn't want them to.

"Ok" I said and they cheered.

I got my guitar and starting love me like you do.

As I was singing Max joined in I didn't know where he came from but he did.


We finished the song and I notice the whole pack was here.

They cheered for us and asked for another song. "Later I promise" I said smiling and they smiled and filed out of the room.

"Wow" the girls said "Emerald, Hazel you have heard me sing before" I said laughing.

"Yeah but both if your voices are beautiful" Emerald said and I blushed.

One of the warrior walked in and what he said made Max freeze.

"Alpha the mansion of the night is back"

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now