Chapter 73

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As the months went by I started to become weaker.

I only have a few days left until the baby is born and the doctor thinks I'm not going to make it.

Which honestly I would sacrifice my so my little baby girl could live.

I lay in bed bored out of my brains.

"What to do when you can't move?" I asked myself.

Then realisation hit me.

Why do my children have pets but I don't!!!!!


Anyway where was I?

Oh yeah what's happened these few months.

Well Jess still hasn't talked to Leo which has pissed me off.

My powers and wings still don't work it's like I'm just a werewolf again.

Ocean is ignoring me, cause she's a bitch.

Max is being protective alpha.

Mom is being protective mom.

Dad is being protective dad.

The pack is being a protective pack.

Yeah it's that situation.

I mean like how many times do they need telling I don't need them to mommy over me!!!!

"Give me strength" I sighed.


Hi guys.

Really sorry for the late chapter and I'm sorry it's crappy things have been going on at home and school and I haven't the time

Sorry again xx

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