Chapter 65

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"Hey" the one jock said to us with a smirk.

I smirked at him "hey" I said innocently.

He grabbed my butt and pulled me towards him.

"How can I help?" He asked with the same smirk as before.

"Me and my friend are bored" I said smirking.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"I know how to pass time"

"Lead the way" I said smirking.

We walked through the mall and I saw Max and Eric.

Max looked pissed and I just smirked and carried on walking with the jock.

We walked to the car park and I sat on the bonnet of his car.

He bought his lips to mine and we proceed to make out.

"He isn't as good as Max" Ocean said to me.

"Agreed I'm shocked your going along with this" I said to her.

"I'm pissed at Sam" she said and then I cut the link and continued.

I was suddenly pulled away and by the tingles I knew who it was.

"Don't touch my girl" Max growled as he dragged me away.

He pulled me to his private garage next to the mall.

He chucked me and and locked the door behind him.

I was about to say something when he pushed me against a wall.

"You really upset me kitten" he growled and I knew this wasn't Sam which shocked me.

He kissed me forcefully and licked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

"Don't give in" Ocean said to me.

I denied him and he started kissing down my neck.

He kissed my mark and and bit my tongue stopping myself from moaning.

He growled in frustration and I smirked.

He poked by sides but I didn't do anything.

He put his hands down my trousers and my eyes widened.

He wouldn't would he????

His hand kept going down until he reached my flower.

I gasped and he took that time and shoved his tongue down my throat.

I tried to fight him but it wasn't working.

I punched his chest not wanting to give in.

He grabbed my arms with his left hand and pinned them above my head.

He rubbed my flower while his tongue was fighting mine.

Eventually I gave in and let him have his pleasure.

He pulled away and smirked releasing he grip from my arms and taking his hand out of my trousers.

"Good kitten you only listen to me" he said and kissed my neck and slowly down to my breasts.

Why did I wear a vest top.

He pulled my top down and kissed my breasts causing me to moan.

He pulled away and held me because he had made me that weak.

He put me in his car and started to drive home.

"You mean" I said "and you didn't listen to me kitten" Max said "we had a bet going on" I complained.

"I lied" he said grinning.

Fuck this shit.

I jumped out of the car once I knew we were in the forest and I shifted running back to the pack house.

He makes me feel so weak I don't like it.

"You love it" Ocean said to me.

I mentally sighed knowing she is right.

We reached the pack house and I shifted back to my human form with clothes on.

Since I started becoming a protector I now shift with my clothes on.

I walked in angry.

Natalie saw me and I just looked at her confused.

"When did you get back?" I asked "not long ago" she said.

I nodded and walked into the living room where the group (minus Max, Hazel and Jack) were sitting being idiots.

"We need a group day" Emerald said.

"I agree we have so much stress we never have time to relax and have fun" Natalie said.

"We could do that, I have pack business in Las Vagas next week so you guys can have fun here" Max said walking and then he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"But what about you?" I asked.

"I'll be fine" he said and kissed my cheek before going over to train with the boys.

I looked at the girls and shrugged.

"He did know I meant all of us right?" Emerald asked.

"I have no idea" I said.

The girls went to train and I walked into my kids room.

I walked into Stephs room and I found Sophie, Jake, Steph, Theo and Mason.

I smiled at them and sat down with them and started playing with them.


He guys can't wait for you to see the surprise there may be more than one but you will have to see

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now