Chapter 39

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"Hey brothers how are you?" I asked through our link.

"Good" Wyatt.

"I'm fine thanks" Cash.

"Good!!!!" Triplets.

"Miss you" Jackson.

"Levi you there?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm here" Levi.

"I miss you guys how are things going?" I asked.

"I have a lead on my mate" Wyatt.

"Nothing yet" Cash

"Nothing still" Levi.

"Same" Jackson.

"We found ours there triplets as well but we need to convince them to come home with us" Luke explained while Finn and Cruz agreed.

"Cool I hope they come with you I'm missing my annoying brothers" I said playfully

"Bonjour" twins

"Twins shut the hell up" Ryder

"What's going on?" Cash

"Twins are doing my heading" Ryder

"Where are you guys?" I asked

"Garden with the rest of the pack" Ryder

"I'll be down in a bit" I said getting ready.

"Kitten I miss you" Sam

"Fuck off Sam" I said angrily

"But why kitten" Sam

"This is brother and sister time fuck off" I said

"Fine" Sam

Sam leaves the link.

"Max's wolf is odd" Wyatt

"Tell me about it" I said walking down stairs to the garden.

"Talk to you laters love you" I said

"Bye" trips

"Love you to" Jackson

"Bye love you" Levi

"Bye Amelia I love you as well" Cash

"Bye" Wyatt

Then I cut the link and walked outside to see training going on.

I sat with the ladies who were drooling over there mates.

"That good?" I asked "hell yeah" they said and I laughed.

I looked around a saw the twins messing with Ryder, so that's what was going on.

I looked around and saw Max fighting with one of the Warriors.

He looks good shirtless.

Hmm where are my children?

I walked back into the pack house and followed the sent of my 3 children.

I followed the sent to the twins room and I opened the door to see Sophie and Jake playing with Steph. "What you playing?" I asked as I sat with them.

"We're making Steph laugh" Sophie said smiling, Steph is a happy child she seems to light up everyone's world in the pack house and she's only a few months old.

I opened my bag and got out the dolls that I made for Steph.

"I made these for you sweety" I said giving them her, she took them and smile and started to play with them.

Hulk came running up to us and pinned Jake down and started licking him, Jake laughed and pushed him away and stated stroking his fur.

"Mommy I'm going to be a good Alpha" Jake suddenly said.

I looked at him and smiled you could see the determination in his eyes "yes you will" I said agreeing with him.

I found it cute because he is just like Max and I think he will make a good alpha and we will be there to guide him in the right path.


I was walking through the forest, no idea how I got here but you know.

I carried on walking until I reached a clearing.

The wind blew through my hair and the trees swayed in harmony.

"It's nice to meet you Amelia" I turned around a saw the most beautiful woman Iv ever seen.

"Who are you?" I asked "I am the moon goddess" she said "wow I never though I would meet you" I said shocked.

She giggled but then turned serious "Iv come to give you some new about you and your children" she said.

"First your daughter Sophie will be mated to a close friend but problems will happen and they will need that extra push to keep them going"

"Second the future alpha your son will not need to search far for his mate because she infact is right underneath his nose" what's that suppose to mean?

"Thirdly Steph will have it hard, her and her friends will have to travel to find there mates but when they do, there mates will not sense that they are mates because they do not know what love is and Steph and her friends will need to bring that back to them" how does she know all this?

"And lastly is you, you will go through some big changes through your life but will make you a better and stronger person, protect your pack and your wings will grow, beat your true enemy and your powers will unleash and sacrifice yourself only to be bought back stronger than ever" this bitch just confused me.

"I must go now but don't worry I will always be here and you can't tell anyone about this unless the time is right"

"When will the time be?" I asked "you will know" she said as she faded away.

What does she mean about my kids what does she mean about me wings? Powers? Sacrifice? I'm confused.

As I was thinking a thing appeared in front of me.

The first thing said:

"Child 1-3 = wings"

The second bit said:

"Child 4-5 = powers"

The final bit said:

"Child 6 = sacrifice"

I think it's a message but I don't get it.

It's probably obvious but I really don't get it.

Then I woke up.

It was dark and I saw Max sleeping happily, I smiled and looked up at the celling.

Something big is going to happen I can feel it.

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