Chapter 35

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"I don't like it" Max said growling, yeah he came over to me complaining how there was a boy with his little girl.

"Calm down their only dancing" I said kissing him, he growled but let it go.

"I can't believe that we are just having kids and Amelia is on her third" Hazel said walking over to us.

It was Hazel, Jack, Emerald, Josh, Natalie, Eric, Ashley, Edward and dad.

They all sat around the table by there mates obviously.

"You trying to point something out Hazel?" I said "yeah stop having sex" she basically shouted.

"HAZEL THERE ARE KIDS" Emerald shouted scolding her as I laughed at them.

"Babe" Max said "yeah?" I replied "can I say hi to my baby girl" he asked and I nodded.

He bent down to my stomach and put his hands on my belly "hi baby girl daddy here, just to let's you know you are not having a boyfriend" he said kissing my stomach, I sighed shacking my head "they will grow up and get boyfriends babe you need to learn that" I said to me and he growled.

"I can't wait for Sophie to come home with a boyfriend" Ashley said "not happening" he said.

"Boys I swear they never change" my mom said laughing.

"MOMMY, DADDY PRESENTS" I heard the twins shout.

I laughed "ok sit down and you can open them" I said as the DJ lowered the music and the kids sat around the twins waiting to see that they got.


2 hours later the twins had opened there present and I'll tell you they got a lot.

"Ready to blow out the candles?" I asked the twins, they nodded jumping up and down.

I laughed and picked Sophie up and Max picked Jake up.

We walked over to the 2 big cakes.

Jakes was a football themed cake because he now loves football and has told Max that he is going to be a football champion but then Max wrecked it and said he is the champion and yeah you can kinda figure where it went from there.

Sophie's cake was shopping and pony themed, see I told you the girls have gotten Sophie addicted to shopping.

Both cakes was 4 tiers high and there was one candle on top.

I lifted Sophie up and she blew out the one candle and Jake did the same, we cheered and started cutting up the cake for everyone.


"Ok everyone as you know Sophie has an obsession for ponies so this leads to the final present for her" I announced as I picked her up and I took her outside.

She started jumping up and down and squealing when she saw what was there.

Yes I brought her a pony.

"What are you going to name her?" I asked "peanut" she said and I laughed.

We walked back in and got to jakes final present, "and we couldn't forget Jake so we got him a little friend as well" I said and nodded to one of the pack members.

A few seconds later a husky puppy came running over to Jake and started licking him.

"I love him" he squealed and stroked his fur "what's his name going to be?" Max asked "hulk" he said and we all laughed.

My kids are so creative.


We finish the party and I took the twins to bed, hulk lay in his bed in the twins room and I walked out.

I walked into mine and Max's room of find Max already in there.

He picked me up and put me on the bed "rest kitten" he said and then darkness over took me.

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now