Chapter 55

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I walked through the pack house feeling sad.

"Babe what's up?" Max asked.

I sighed and looked at him "I need to talk to you and Leo" I said to him.

We walked to his office and I noticed Leo was there already.

"We have a problem" I said looking at them.

"What is it?" Leo asked looking concerned but I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"You see with my transformation things have to change" I started.

"I have to reject one of my mates" I said quickly "that mate will be given another mate but I don't want to chose between you guys" I said looking at them with sad eyes.

"Reject me" Leo said "what?" I asked "reject me you have kids with max and I will have a chance to start my life over with someone else" he explained.

I sighed and gave him a small smile "ok" I said.

"But before you do I need to do this just once" he said and then he kissed me.

I held on to the kiss for a while and when we pulled away I had tears in my eyes.

"I Amelia Rose Black reject you Leo Jonson as my mate" I said and a pain shot through the both of us.

Max held me as I cried and Leo hugged me and kissed my forehead.

He sniffed the air and smiled "mate" he said and smiled at me "go get her then" I said with a smile.

"You will always be my first love remember that and now you are my little sister" he said and walked out following the sent of his new mate.

Max picked me up and carried me to our room.

"Rest kitten I'll look after the kids" he said I kissed him and closed my eyes letting darkness take over.


The next day I woke up and felt like going to the park...don't ask I'm strange like that.

I got changed then I grabbed my guitar and walked down stairs.

"I'm going the park anyone wanna come?" I yelled through the pack house.

My kids, the group with Emerald and Hazels kids and Christa, Beatrix and there kids and finally Courtney and her kids.

"Can we come?" A voice asked and I turned round and saw Leo with the slut.

"This is my new mate Jess" he said.

Oh I feel sorry for him.

"Yeah sure" I said being nice.


We arrived at the park and the kids ran off to play.

The girls joined the kids and the boys went to get food so it was just me and Jess....

"Luna" Jess said "yes?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for the things iv said to you, I was jealous because of your looks and other things and I was a bitch to you. I'm changing my ways now and I want to be a better person so please Luna will you forgive me" she said with pleading eyes.

I looked at her shocked for a second but then my eyes softened "first of its Amelia and I forgive you" I said smiling at her.

She smiled and hugged me which I returned.


"Mommy play us a song" Sophie said and she and Steph laid there heads on their brothers legs.

"Any requests?" I asked as I got my guitar out.

"Summertime sadness" Holly on of the quadruplets said.

Yeah Courtney has quadruplets all girls there the same age as Steph, Morgan, Yokko, JaiMi, Belle and Chloe.

I nodded my head and started playing the song.


I finished the song and noticed that we had gained a crowd.

They all cheered when I finished and I smiled.

I continued to play my guitar quietly as the crown disappeared.

After a while the kids had fallen asleep and I stopped strumming my guitar.

"I think those lot are going to be good friends" pointing to the 10 girls that has fallen asleep together.

I looked around and saw that my twins were asleep on Max while the other girls were asleep together and Courtney's 2 boys were asleep on her.

"We need more boys" I said "well I'm having one and you having two so we are getting there" Courtney said laughing.

"And I'm having a boy" Hazel announced and Jack glared at her "you didn't tell me this" he said and she shrugged causing me to giggle.

Emerald and Josh snuggled up together as emerald eyes started to shut.

I smiled at them and noticed Beatrix and Christa had moved a sleepy Courtney in between them.

I smiled at them Christa and Beatrix have been looking after Courtney since Cash died and it makes me happy seeing them get along.


After a while everyone had fallen asleep but me, Christa and Beatrix.

"Do you miss your boys?" I asked them.

They gave me a sad smile "we do but it was for the best" Beatrix explained.

I nodded knowing now was not the time to ask any more.

"How are we going to get everyone home?" I suddenly asked.

"We will help" and I turned round and saw Colt and Dexter.

Colt, Dexter, Christa and Beatrix started teleporting everyone home.

I was the last one and waited for one of them to come back.

Beatrix came back and smiled at me.

"We should come out again more often shouldn't we" I said admiring the view.

"Yeah" she said agreeing and we teleported back to the pack house and I saw some of the pack members move the others to bed.

I thanked them and walked to my room when max was sleeping peacefully.

I lay next to him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I smiled and felt my eyelids getting heavy.

I didn't fight it I just let them shut and had a beautiful dream.



When everyone that is pregnant has gave birth there will be a total of....

60 characters!!!!!!!!

There has been 60 characters in this story so far I'm shocked myself.

Sure some have died and some I just haven't spoken about in a while but yeah there has been a total of 60 characters.

So as you can see there is a lot so please bear with me I'm making a plan so it's easier for me to remember the characters and which family they belong to.

Also let me know who you want to have a child next out of:

1. Natalie and Eric
2. Ashley and Edward
3. Lexi and Levi
4. Abby and Wyatt
5. London and Ryder
6. Brittany and Cruz
7. Bethany and Finn
8. Brea and Luke
9. Jackson and Ruby
10. Leo and Jess

Let me know you can pick more than one I don't mind just let me know who you want to see give birth next also we will be showing Hazel giving brith again because it's just so funny you can't miss it.

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now