Chapter 37

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I woke up the next day feeling a bit better.

I managed to pull myself and and saw that no one was in the room.

"Hey" Beatrix said teleporting into the room.

I jumped and glared at her "don't do that" I hissed.

She laughed and Christa teleported next to her.

"We have some news" Beatrix said.

"Let me guess your pregnant" I said laughing "correct" they both said "what?!" I said.

"Were pregnant, I'm expecting twins and Christa is expecting a baby girl" Beatrix explained.

"Omg congrats" I said attempting to hug them but nearly fall on floor but Christa caught me.

"Thanks" I said "your still weak" Christa said "maybe it was because they baby was drinking your blood" Beatrix suggested.

"That would make sense, will you help me down stairs?" I asked.

They nodded and helped me out of the room and down the stairs.

We walked over to the living room and I saw the usual female pack members and the kids playing.

"Hello Amelia" the females said "hi" I replied as Beatrix and Christa sat me on the couch.

I thanked them and they sat down besides me "so how are you Amelia?" One of the pack members asked.

"I'm ok but I'm still weak" I said smiling.

"Mommy" I heard the twins say as they ran into my arms.

"Hey guys" I said kissing there foreheads.

"Sophie, Jake come on" I heard Luca say as they got off my lap and ran off with the kids.

Mom walked in carrying Steph, she smiled at me and gave her to me.

"Hey little one mommy here" I said as she grabbed my finger.


Later that day the boys came in and emerald had just woken up.

"Hang in there emerald only 2 more weeks left" I said to get as she sat besides Christa.

"Hey kitten" Max said kissing me.

He took Steph and started playing with her when Sophie, Jake and Hulk came running in.

"You 3 have to much energy" I said laughing as Hulk licked Jakes face.


"Max what do you think is going to happen?" I asked.

We were in our room playing with the children.

"What do you mean?" He asked "that couldn't have been it" I said.

"You got me out way to easily, do you think they are planning something?" I asked and he instantly knew what I was talking about.

"Don't think about that we will be ok" he said kissing me.

I sighed and let it go.


I was having writers block sorry that chapter wasn't as good

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