Chapter 67

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I sigh as I watch my kids play together.

Max has become more and more distant and I don't know why.

"Mommy, look" Steph said showing me her drawing.

"It's beautiful" I said and kissed her forehead as she giggled.

"How cute" a voice said and I looked up to see a man probably about 23 with black hair and blue eyes.

I smelt the air and growled standing in front of my children protectively.

"Rouge" I growled.

"Now, now it's ok I'm not going to hurt you much" and everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache.

I looked around and noticed I was in a cell.

"Shit" I hissed as the silver dug into my wrists.

"And I thought you were the smart one" a man laughed.

I looked up and saw the same man as before standing there with a smug look on his face.

I growled at him and he just smirked.

"You know your kids look cute when they sleep" he commented looking at the corner.

I looked over their and saw my kids all sleeping together.

They were close but I couldn't reach them.

I growled at him and tried to get free which just caused more pain.

"Such a silly dog" he said as he got up and walked over towards my kids.

He picked Sophie up who was still sleeping and took her out of the room.

I pulled and pulled but the chains weren't coming off.

My wings weren't coming out and my powers aren't working.


About 2 hours later he came back in with Sophie bloody and bruised.

He chucked her on the floor by me and I grabbed her and growled.

"Now, now don't worry I'm saving you till last"

And with that he walked out.

I cradled Sophie and she slowly started healing.

"I'll protect you and your siblings I promise" I said as I looked at her and then at the corner.

I need to get to them but how...


Thank you for the suggestion yesterday let me know what else you would like to happen.

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now