Chapter 58

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Yokko, JaeMi and Belle.

I sighed in relief and picked JaeMi up while Jackson got the other 2.

"They have a different aura" I said looking at them.

Jackson nodded and we quickly left.


We flew up into the air and saw Ruby fighting/squishing the vampires.

"LETS GO" I shouted using my now very strong voice.

My pack looked up and saw me and Jackson with the kids, Max looked pissed...oops.


"Thank you Amelia" Christa and Beatrix cried as they took there children and hugged them tight.

"Let's get them checked out ok" I said and they nodded and walked with Colt and Dexter to the pack doctor.

I followed not wanting to face Max or Sam I'm pretty sure it's Sam.


"Well Luna it seem that you were right the girls have gave up something to protect each other" the pack doctor said.

"What did they give up?" Christa asked.

"Belle does no longer care what people think of her"

"JaeMi doesn't think of herself anymore"

"And Yokko...." They pack doctor drifted off.

"What?" Beatrix demanded and Dexter was calming her down even though he was about to lose control.

"She gave up her emotions" that made all of us gasp.

"Mommy" I turned round and saw Steph.

She suddenly collapsed and I rushed to her side along with Max.

"Steph" I said catching her falling body.

The pack doctor took her away and I sat there nervous.


"We have a slight situation" the doctor said coming out of the room.

"What" I asked "you know the dolls that you made for Steph" he said and I nodded.

"It seem as if there spirt has went into Yokko, JaeMi and Belle" he said.


"And Steph has turned into the dolls keeper meaning that if the girl ever lose control Steph can stop them" he explained.


"Is Steph ok?" I asked not wanting to go into detail.

He nodded and I sighed.

"Now I can go into labour in piece" I said and everyone's eyes widened.



"What will you be calling them" the doctor asked me holding my 2 new identical boys.

"Theo Grace-Black Jonson and Mason Grace-Black Jonson" Max said.

I smiled at Max who was holding our second set of twins.

I looked out of the window and sighed.
The second stage has started.

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