Chapter 41

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I groaned, me and the boys have been in the library for 3 hours and we haven't found anything about what happening to me.

"Need help?" I looked up and saw the girls, mom, dad and Grace.

"Yes please" I said smiling, Ashley looked happy because she likes reading books which surprises me.

"Where do we even start looking?" Natalie asked.

"We'll probably the area where all the myths and legends books are" Ashley said walking over to the corner of the library.

I stood up and said "I'll go with Ashley and you guys look everywhere else" and then I ran off after her.


I was reading one of the books when I noticed something through the corner of my eye.

I looked out of the window and saw some of the pack members playing football but in the woods I noticed something off.

I sniffed the air and I knew what it was.

I got a better view and saw one of them with a gun pointing at one of the pack members.

I didn't waist a second, I shifted jumped out of the window....ok smashed through it.

I ran over to the pack member and knocked them out of the way before they could get hit.

Then I dogged the bullet and ran after the vampire.

I tackled him him to the floor and bite his head off.

After I killed him I shifted back and changed into some of the clothes that's hidden in the forest and ran back over to the pack member I knocked over.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, "yes Luna thank you" he said smiling.

I smiled and helped him up and told everyone to carry on there game.

I walked back up the the house and was pinned against the wall by the one the only MAX JONSON..... Kinda saw that one coming.

"Never do that again" he said growling "what the window was the quickest way out" I said pouting.

He growled but let it go...for now.

We walked back to the library and saw the others still there.

"You are one crazy bitch" Ashley said.

I smiled and the same pain came across my back again.

I hissed in pain and the girl came up to me a lifted my top.

"Wow" was what they said.

"There probably about half way done" Hazel said.

"My back hurts" I complained "and I'm carrying a baby get over it" Hazel snapped back.

I laughed "I'm going to go see my children you coming?" I asked the girls.

Natalie, Ashley and Hazel said no but Emerald said yes.

Me and emerald walked down stairs to the kids playroom.

We opened the door and saw Sophie, Jake and Luca playing together and Christa and Beatrix was playing with Yokko, Belle, JaeMi, Morgan and Steph.

Me and Emerald walked over to them and I took Steph and Emerald took Morgan.

"They are going to be best friends I can tell" I said smiling.

"Yeah maybe Hazel girl will join the group as well" Beatrix said with a giggle.

I smiled and started thinking why would the vampires attack like that? What's going on? Or more like what's going to happen?


Right in gonna ask a question now and you need to be honest with me.

Who do you think will end up having the funniest birth?

Iv got to know because iv wrote a few chapters in advance and someone gave birth (next chapter) and it was so funny so let me know

And I'm in a evil mood so I'm going to torment you and not upload tomorrow's chapter till later tomorrow but I might do it during school depends on how I feel

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now