Chapter 49 Hazels POV

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I skipped down the hallway looking for Chloe.

Jack took her somewhere and now I'm depressed.

I skipped outside and saw Jack playing with Chloe.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Your a great dad" I said kissing him "and you are a amazing mother" he replied back.

I smiled "Jack can you turn humans into werewolves?" I suddenly asked.

He froze and looked at me "it's possible but the alpha and Luna have do it and it's not certain that the human will survive the change" he explained.

"Why?" He suddenly asked "because I want to be like you" I said and stood up leaving him and Chloe.

I skipped through the hallways again trying to find Amelia and Max.

I finally tried the most obvious place ever.

I walked into Stephs room but they weren't there.

Then I walked into the twins room and saw that they were all there.

"Guys I have a request" I said "what is it?" Amelia asked as she helped Sophie feed Steph.

"I want you to turn me" I said and Max and Amelia froze.

"You do know the risks right?" Max asked "that I could die yeah I do and it's a risk to take" I said determined.

Max sighed "I don't know what do you think Amelia?" He asked Amelia who was still sat there frozen.

"No" she whispered "why?" I asked "I'm not risking my friend dying" she said looking at me.

"Please" I begged "no" she said and walked out the room with the empty bowl.

I followed her to the kitchen.

She gave the chef the empty bowl and he put it in the dishwasher.

She then walked into the living room where all our friend were.

"Guys talk some sense into her" Amelia said pointing at me.

"What you done now Hazel?" Edward asked.

"She wants to change" Amelia said and Ashley spat her drink everywhere.

"Are you crazy" Ashley yelled "yes" I said.

"Please I really want this" I begged.

"Well it's your choice so I guess I will support you even though it is completely crazy" Emerald said.

Slowly everyone agreed.

I then looked at Amelia with hope in my eyes.

She sighed "fine" she said.

"Thank you" I said squealing.


"Why are we in the middle of the woods again?" I asked as we walked through the woods.

"Because we need to do the transformation in the woods" Max explained.

It was only me, Amelia, Max and Jack.

We reached a small clearing and everyone stopped.

"Here we are" Amelia said.

She groaned "damn wings" she muttered and her wings appeared.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get use to this" she said as she stretched her wings.

I laughed and with Max and Jack.


Max stood on my Left side and Amelia stood on my right.

"This is going to hurt" Max said.

Suddenly I felt 2 pairs of teeth sink into my skin.

I screamed in pain and they let go and I fell onto the floor and darkness consumed me.


"Where am I" I said walking through a dark forest.

"Damn it why the fuck do I always get lost" I complained.

I reached a clearing and saw a woman standing there.

"Hello Hazel" the woman said.

"Hi" I said "I'm the moon goddess and iv heard that you would like to be one of us" she explained.

"Yes I do" I said "why?" She asked.

"Because I hate it when I see everyone go and fight to save everyone and I can't do anything because I'm human" I started to explain.

"I want to be able to protect Chloe and any other kids I end up having"

"I want to protect my best friend and Luna"

"And I want to protect my mate" I finished.

She smiled "I can feel that you are telling the truth and because of that I will grant you wish" she said.

Suddenly a giant brown wolf appeared in front of me.

"This is Tris your wolf" the moon goddess explained.

"She is beautiful" I said "well duh I am your wolf of course I'm going to be beautiful" Tris said making me laugh.

"Now it's time you go back into the world where you friends are" she said.


I woke up and I was still in the clearing.

"Thank god" I heard Jack say as he ran over to me and hugged me.

He started kissing me over and over.

"Jack calm down" Amelia said laughing.

"Let's get back it's getting dark" Max said wow I was out for that long.

We all shifted it did hurt but I guess it would shifting into a completely new form.

Jacks wolf rubbed against me and licked my face.

"Come on you two" Amelia said through the mind link.

I nodded my head and we all set of and ran to the pack house.

I can't believe I'm a wolf.

"A awesome wolf" Tris corrected me "yes I agree" I said to her.


Hazels a wolf!!!!

Shit just got CRAZY!!!!!

Also don't judge the fact that max isn't as protective because if he was then the shit with Sam would probably never happen and I know you guys love Sam.

And way just to let you know chapter 50 is going to be a time skip a couple of years but I hope you will like it.

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