Chapter 32

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I was walking through the pack house looking for Max because he is ignoring my mind link and I can't find him anywhere.

"Max" I shouted but still no response, I walked into the kitchen and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Max" I said weakly with tears in my eyes, Max pulled away from the girl and looked at me, he smirked and carried on making out with the pack slut.

Anger and sadness built up inside of me, I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room where my mom, dad and a few pack members were.

"What's wrong baby" my mom said running over to me " out........with......"I couldn't finish the sentence because of all the tears but I think everyone in the room got what I was saying.

My dad growled and my mom walked over to him calming him down "what's wrong sis?" I heard Colt and Dexter say together.

"Max cheated on her" my dad said angrily and that ticked my brothers off because next thing I know there was plates breaking and a very bloody Max on the floor.

I noticed the blood having a effect on the twins so I bought them out so they could calm down.

It felt weird because I didn't feel the connection with him, it was like he was a new person.

"Baby what's wrong" I turned round a saw Max with a concerned face.

I hid behind my brothers as they glared at Max, "what?" He asked sounding confused "what don't you remember making out with that slut" Colt said with very red eyes.

I mind linked Christa and she came calming Colt down.

"I haven't cheated on Amelia" he said confused again "I saw you" I said weakly.

Grace walked in and saw what was going on "Max couldn't have been cheating on you he was with me" she said.


"No it couldn't be" Grace suddenly said "what is it mom?" Max asked "that could have been your twin" she explained.

I'm confused, Max has a twin? I don't believe it I need both of them standing here for me to believe it don't you agree brain.

"You know you talk to your brain more than me" Ocean complained "get over it" I said to her and cut the link.

Then the pack slut walked in with a Max look alike. "I'm beyond confused here" I said and everyone agreed with me.

Grace sighed and sat down "when I was pregnant with Max it turned out I was having twins, identical twins at that. When I gave birth to them Max was given the alpha blood and Leo didn't, one night everyone was sleeping and a bunch of rouges came to our house with out us knowing and took Leo thinking that it was him with the alpha blood, we searched for months but we couldn't find you Leo" she said looking at the Max look alike that I'm now guessing is called Leo.

I whimper came over me and everyone looked at me, Max seemed to know what made me sad and brought the twins down stairs and gave them to me.

I hugged them tightly and they hugged back knowing I was sad, no one should ever lose their child and if a rouge got in so easy then it kinda makes you feel that way.

"This is stupid" I heard Leo mumble, I growled making him jump "really Leo is it? I'm sorry for caring for my children, especially when we not long ago got kidnapped and my children were going to be used a weapons and my baby was almost killed but luckily I have a awesome wolf and protected my baby so I will be able to have her and give birth to her" I growled getting angry.

He had a look of guilt over him which made my wolf happy. My wolf is strange....

Max wrapped his arms around me and the kids and kissed me calming me down a little.

"You need to leave" Max growled at his own twin.

"I deserve to be here, mom haven't you missed me?" He asked "honestly no because after your father died I completely forgot" I would say that's mean but I kinda get her because he was her other half and she lost that so I can kinda understand her forgetting.

"What about Ashley?" He asked "well I didn't even know I had another brother but you have just caused trouble in like the first five minuets of you being here so I think I'd rather stay with one brother and that brother is Max by the way" she said coldly appearing from nowhere.

I told you that girl is a ninja.

"Your all sick and I hope you all die and when you come crying to me begging for help I will just laugh at your faces" he said getting up.

"No offence but I think by next week we would have forgotten you" I said causally getting up and giving Max the kids.

He growled and in a blink of a eye he held me by the neck pushed against the wall growling at me.

"Boys are so stupid" I said sighing, I kicked him where it hurts and he let go of me. Them I kicked him in the face sending him flying into a wall.

Lastly I picked him up and dragged him out of the pack house with everyone watching and I chucked him on to the pavement.

"Next time you threaten us or try to hurt me again I will kill you and considering I'm pregnant you have had it easy" I said and slammed the door storming back into the living room.

"Remind me never to piss you off" Beatrix said, where did she come from........vampire I get it.

Vampire can teleport so that would explain her sudden appearance but I still don't get Ashley.

"I'm craving popcorn" I said and maybe that was a bad idea.

"MOVIE NIGHT" sigh, shouldn't have said it.

"Hunger games this time" shit.

I get to listen to Hazel come up with random comments how she is better than all of them and would kill them easily.

I guess it's better than the unicorn discussion though.

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