Chapter 28

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"Get up" I heard lame dude say.

It's been a week since they took me and so far things have been ok they haven't bothered me as much so it's been alright.

I got up and looked at him "what?" I said pissed may I remind you that I'm a pregnant woman.

"Come with me" he said and I followed not wanting anything to happen to my kids.

He took me to this room with a table and other random things.

He told me to lie on the table and I did as he said.

A few minuets later 4 men came in "hold her down" they did as they were told but I was still confused.

He lifted my top up and then I realised what he was doing.

I tried to struggle but the men had a firm grip on me.

That's when he did it he but into my stomach and I felt him get deeper until he reached my baby.

After a couple of minuets he released and smirked "I told you I would get rid of it" he said smirking.

"Richter have you done what Iv asked you to do" a woman with purple hair and white tips said, I'm guessing that bastard is called Richter.

She had green eyes and wore a black dress with straps made up in a zigzag pattern and had white roses on.

"Yes Cordelia" Richter said kissing the woman who I'm now guessing is called Cordelia.

"Good" she said laughing.

She looked at me and smirked, "let her wonder around the house and if she does anything funny she can say good bye to her children" she said laughing and I froze.

The men let go of me and I walked out of the room crying.

"Why are you crying lady?" A boy with purple hair like Cordelia and he had her green eyes.

He carried a teddy around which is natural since he only looks about 4 years old.

"Because I'm sad" I said looking at him "I'm Amelia" I added with a smile.

"I'm Kanato" he said "what a lovely name" I said and he smiled.

"If you don't mind me asking where am I?" I asked.

"In our house in Japan" he said, he is smart for a little kid...WAIT JAPAN!!!!!

My life has literally been turned upside down.


Some of you may recognise the vampires it wasn't intentional it was watching it the other day and I had to include them

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now