Moving forward

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I honestly can't believe the last time I updated this story was back in December of 2015!

So what happened? Well I had to figure out my path and where I wanted to go with my own life. I studied art and design at college and now I work at my local supermarket part time while trying to grow as an artist.

The book! Writing this story was what first sparked the creative side of my brain and it became my escape from the drama of high school and the stress of exams. While I can't read back and not notice all the errors and confusion I'm grateful for where I started and to where I'm going.

What's next? So I think it's safe to say I'm not continuing this version of the story. However I would love to reboot the book and create a more fleshed out and detailed version that really will make you cry when a certain someone spoilers of course ;)

What changes are being made? First and foremost the more obvious change will be the title! I'm still debating on what the new title shall be but I want it to make a more sense. I will be cutting certain chapters and adding completely new ones as well.

Emerald! So Emerald will no longer be called Emerald. The name came from a very old story not many people will know about because I deleted it but I also want to possibly reboot that story too so for this reason she is having a name change.

Levi! I guess the biggest change will be Levi's form. Instead of being a merman he will now be a fallen angel. Why? I just like that idea better and I think it would be a better concept for a backstory too.

Max! So this time around I want the relationship between Max and Amelia to actually mean something. From what I reread all they did was have children! Again I have no idea what was going in my head during this time. I also want him to play a more important role.

The family as a whole! So originally all the brothers and even Amelia were biologically related...I don't even know how that made sense at the time but for some reason I thought that made perfect sense. So now they are all going to be siblings through adoption with the exception of the twins and triplets. I also want there to be conflict, that's a lot of people in one house and I want that to be shown. After all no family is perfect.

So these are just some of the changes I'm going to be making. I honestly don't know if anyone is still around 5 years later but if you are hello and welcome back and I hope the new changes are welcomed! If you have any questions feel free to ask away.

I live in a house with a bunch of guysWhere stories live. Discover now