Chapter 5: Sabotage mission

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It was night time as we see two scout soldiers sent by Sally to scout an area that was reported to have a factory that turn Mobuis people into robots.

They slowly walk through the dead and quiet forest with Wispons in hand as they were close to the area. Once there they lay on the ground as they crawl up to the cliff and look over at a large factory that's puffing out smoke in the air.

One of them pulls out binoculars to have a closer look. He see Eggman's bots guard the factory as he see captured Mobuis people getting forced into the factory by the Eggman bots.

Mobuis soldier 1: This is bad. If Eggman captured more then he can have a full on army.

Mobuis soldier 2: Yeah we can't let that happen. We should head back before they see us.

Mobuis soldier 1: Right, let's g-

Then suddenly a flash of light hits them like a brick as they were blinded for a second before they see a Eggman drop ship spotted the two.

Mobuis soldier 1: Run! They spotted us!

They try to make a break for it but they stopped when they were blocked by a few Eggman's robots as one step forward and said.


It reach out it's robotic hand towards them as they scream out throughout the night before there was silence.

(Next day)

It was a beautiful day at Knothole as we see Y/n at his garden just planting some beautiful flowers as he enjoys the lovely day as the sun shines on him. Tangle swings into Y/n's garden as she made a crash as the Y/n sighs and turn to see her have a bucket on her head.

Y/n smiles a little as he walks over and pulls off the bucket off of her head and said.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Tangle, good to see you swing by to my house.

Tangle: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry about that.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright, so what bring you here?

Y/n helps Tangle up and once that he walks over to his garden as Tangle tells him.

Tangle: Eh, nothing much really. Just came here to see how's my second teammate is up to. Actually what are you doing?

Y/n: Just adding a few things to my back garden. It's pretty nice.

Tangle bends down next to him and sniff the flowers he has planted and it small great.

Tangle: Whoa it sure is. Where did you get them?

Y/n: From Elina and her friends flower shop. For some reason I start to grown to like flowers and make this place as lovely as it be. I know that sounded a bit weird for me to do.

Tangle: Oh no I think this is a wonderful hobby for you. Besides I think this place is great with beautiful flowers.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Tangle. Still, I wonder why Eggman wanted to destroy something as beautiful as this?

Tangle: He's a crazy scientist who stays in a dark room building bots to destroy and take over the world. He has no respect to nature itself.

Y/n: Yeah but I wish he would have seen of his ways and make things right.

Tangle: It's Eggman, he's never gonna change.

Y/n: Yeah Guess your right.

Y/n stairs at the flowers while Tamgle was kinda nervous as her Tail has something as she taps Y/n by the shoulder and he turns to her.

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