Chapter 51: I'm I still a hero?

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We see SNT outside of the Mayor Fink building as she is sitting down of the bench and just minding her own business as she hums to herself while she looks around the nice and beautiful sky. Soon a few birds fly down next to her which she turn to see one as the bird looks up at her which she let out a friendly giggle and gently pet on the birds head while we cut to Y/n at Mayor Finks office as we see Fink looking out of the window to watch SNT and then leaves the window while he tells Y/n.

Fink: Looks normal or not she was founded in a Eggman base and I'm afraid she might try to do something if she stays here any longer.

Y/n: Mayor Fink we have do respect she hasn't done anything evil ever since we open her cryo chamber and she's actually very friendly to everyone she met. You can't just assume she is up to no good?

Fink: You know how Eggman is when it comes to tricks. All we know she could be trying to trust us and seconds later this island is now an Eggman control.

Y/n: How? She doesn't even know who Eggman is or we don't even know if she's a machine or not. Look let me keep an eye on her and if she tries anything suspicious I'll stop her.

Fink: Right. Still I rather put her in prison for a bit then having you take care of things. Don't forget this island may not know you fully but I do.

Y/n just stare at Fink and turns as he leaves the room and shuts the door. Soon he walk out of the building as he sigh to himself whike SNT stood up and makes her way up to Y/n.

SNT: (smile) Hi Y/n! Say you okay? You look kinds stressed out.

Y/n: It's nothing. So SNT are you sure you don't remember anything or you don't know who brought you to that facility?

SNT: Not really no. I can't remember anything besides waking up and seeing you three and everyone else. So....where I'm I? What is this wonderful and nice village?

Y/n: Oh this is a island called Bygone Island. Its a small isolated place that no other kingdoms know about.

SNT: Why?

Y/n: It's kinda hard to keep track on islands and lands so they decided to leave most island isolated and let the people like this one do whatever they want.

SNT: Oh I see! That make sense! So are you like the guardian of this island?

Y/n: Um Well.....not really but why?

SNT: Tempest told me that your like this war hero who fought many battles and I figured your the guardian of this island.

Y/n: Oh no I'm just here for a vacation. A break that's all.

SNT: Oh I see! So what should we do now?

Y/n: Well let me show you around and meet you with many people.

SNT: (Smile) Sounds great! Let's go!

The two make their walk around the village so Y/n can show SNT around. Their first is Meh burgers as Y/n introduce Dave to SNT.

Y/n: This is Dave, he works at Meh burgers and his boss Mr Slate owns this place. Dave this is SNT.

Dave: Nice to meet you. Care for a Meh burger?

SNT: (smile) No thanks but I would like to try one someday. I believe I never have one before.

Y/n: (smile) It's really good.

???: Good evening Y/n.

Then a officer walks up to them with a nice smile as Y/n tells SNT.

Y/n: This is officer Beaver. He's the officer of this village and make sure crime never happens on his watch.

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