• This Isn't You • Reader x Teen! Garmadon

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• Requested by @-soulshardz- •

Third Person POV

Most people your age would be spending their Friday nights by going to the mall, hanging out with friends, watching a movie, you know, fun stuff.

But then again, running through a forest in the pouring rain sounds much more exhilarating than any of those things.

How did it come to this, you may wonder?

It all began a long time ago, one would say before time had a name, but that sounds like it's been done before.


As a child, you came to know a young boy. He went by the name of Garmadon.

The two of you were nothing short of inseparable. You played together, explored the forest around your home together, and shared stories of the whimsical mayhem of the dangers you both faced.

But there was something wrong with him; hidden behind a crushing wall of sadness and fear in his eyes, something was laying dormant in his head.

You often would ask him if he was okay, to which he'd reply with a solitary nod and a smile. It wasn't enough to convince you, though.

One day, you noticed a marking, two dots side-by-side, atop his hand. You held his hand in yours, looking down at it.

"Wow, did your Father let you get a tattoo?! That's so cool!" You innocently observed.

Garmadon didn't find it as "cool" as you did. He violently snatched his hand out of yours, harshly whispering, "Never touch my hand again."

You were taken aback by his change of demeanor. He seemed to notice the frightful look on your face, so he quickly put on a smile, explaining, "It's just a birthmark. Nothing else."

While he turned his head, you couldn't help but wonder if the "birthmark" had anything to do with why his eyes had just turned red.


After that day, you never inquired about his hand again. Garmadon seemed to guard that hand at all times, which was a little brow-raising, but there were many more things to worry about.

One day, he decided to teach you a fighting style that his Father had created. Of course, you couldn't master it on the first try. Or the second. Or the third.

By the sixth time, you had thrown your hands up. "That's it, Garmadon!" You seethed, promptly sitting on the ground. "I just can't do it."

"Come on, Y/N," Garmadon smiled, bending down to your level. "Try again. Please? For me?"

You looked up at his pouting lips and pleading eyes with a lopsided smirk. You just couldn't take him seriously. "Fine, but only if you stop making that ridiculous face."


Soon after you learned Spinjitzu, Garmadon had some bad news for you.

He had decided that he wanted to train under a sensei that could teach him to "expand his power."

The news tore you apart. You weren't ready to follow him down this path, but declining meant you would most likely never see him again. But you knew you couldn't hold him back from what he wanted to do, so you had to let him go.

"I'm going to miss you," You glumly sighed, staring down at the floor.

Garmadon placed his hands on your shoulders. "I'll miss you, too."

As you watched him leave, you felt a void in yourself; your best friend hadn't been gone for more than a minute and you already felt empty. Garmadon's brother, Wu, who stood beside you, noticed it and immediately tried to make you feel better.

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