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"We will be spending alot of time in it since you resigned today." I said letter her know that I was aware.

"I had to." She wrapped herself in the towel. Her eyes dropped the floor.

"I didn't resign fully. I just signed up to be in the first phase of people to work from home for a while. Rachel has too and we will have our same clients and same workload." She looked at me as she placed her hand on her back. I took a deep breath as she took the time to look me in my eyes.

"Ok. Well what I got on my desk said resignation. You know I have to do your exit interview?" I asked we stood an uncomfortable distance apart while we talked.

"I am aware baby." She turned to walk take a seat on the bed. It seemed like she was fighting tears and I didn't know if I was supposed to ask what was wrong or if I caused the problem.

"Are you ok?" I asked following her. I watched her sit down. I thought about her having contractions and knowing we had four months to go.

"Yeah I just have a headache. It's just been a long ass day X told The Shade Room that I'm pregnant, Tyson is pissed that I have no interest in talking to our mother, Rinney got in to an argument with my moms and is at my apartment, and my back is fucking killing me. Nicky has been trying to spin the whole story and help me deal with this spotlight... but it's a lot." She said still holding the towel. I went to get her some pajamas. As I walked over to the dresser drawers and grabbed her the a shirt and some sorts before speaking.

"What do you mean he told The Shade Room?" I asked actually tying to figure it out. I couldn't not phantom how a grown man who literally up and left her and his son could turn around and do something so petty.

"I don't want you to be upset." She said.

"I'm beyond that Mari." I said honestly.

"It's out there now. We think it was him but it could have been anyone. The headline doesn't necessarily confirm or deny it but people think what they want." I watched her get dressed to lay down.

"Do you need anything?" I asked wanting to change the conversation.

"I gotta go check on Aden he may be hungry." She said moving around.

"He is asleep and I'll makes sure he is clean and fed. What else do you need?" I cut her off. My words made her body relax

"Water and for you to lay down with me." A simple request. I walked out of the room and down the hallway to check in the baby who was indeed out cold. I was sure to leave his door open because if he did wake up and was hungry he could come to our room and let us know. We were coming up on his third birthday and lil man is walking and talking with no problems. I went out to the kitchen and got her a bottle of water and some snacks. As I gathered up some stuff I thought of ways that I could cheer her up but in reality I should probably just do what she wants. I started to make my way back to the room when Yani called. I thought about the time Amari answered my phone and told her I was busy. The way she talked was so sexy even though it caused a world of problems.

"Yes." I said answering the phone.

"Where is my daughter?" She asked.

"Do I call you everyday ask where G is? G has a cell phone and I promise it works." I asked trying to keep my voice down.

"Don't get irritated with me that your business is in the blogs."

"Yani you didn't. Are you serious?" At that moment I knew that it was her who leaked our business to these nosey ass blogs.

"You don't want the world to k is about your blessings?" She said in a condescending manner.

"Bitch we haven't been together in years and for you to come out of the side of your neck and tell a story that's not yours makes me realize why." Once I started I couldn't stop myself."

" Do not contact me if it is not directly pertaining to my daughter and I mean that shit. Better yet send me a text if it is. I want you to know that out of respect for my kid I'll say this nicely. Leave Amari the fuck alone. Leave my son..."

"Your son?" She questioned me in the middle of my sentence."

"You see one thing you didn't include including in your fucking exclusive is that I am the only father he knows and I stand on that shit." I waited for her response before continuing. She fell silent.

"I'll probably marry that girl, she will be in my life regardless. I love her and what goes on over here has nothing to do with you or your raggedy ass friends. There is nothing that you have that I want and even if there was she can provide it. With that being said, keep my name, my son's name and my girl's name out if your mouth. The day you speak on my unborn kids is the day I really wipe my hands of you." My heart was beating so fast by the time I finished my sentence I had to remember where I was. I put my phone in my pocket and took the food and drinks back back to Amari. As I put one foot in front of the other I regretted calling her a bitch but she made me so angry it was all I could think of.

"I'm going to take a shower." I put everything on the bed and turned quickly in the hopes that she would not see my face. Amari was now laying under the covers and scrolling through the Netflix menu.

"What wrong? One of your lil girl friends saw the post? I'm sure the follow me now."She asked putting the remote down.  She cracked a smile. I walked over and kissed her lips.

"It doesn't matter." I kissed her again.

"You don't have any secret families do you? Anything that someone could pull up on me about do you?" She asked as I walked off towards the bathroom.

"I don't. Kyle and Shawna are enough for me. No other kids that I know of and no other relationships. As long as we are asking questions I have one for you." I said getting undressed. She opened a water bottle and gave me here attention.

"Ok." She took a few sip.

"When is the last time you and X..."

"It was after one of his first pro games when Aden was a little baby. In the stadium actually that's when I found out I wasn't... when I realized it wasn't going to work. That's all." She said wrapping up the conversation.

"...And Josh? Just for kicks and giggles."

"No." She laughed.

"You think they have done this in real life?" She asked as the movie played. This scene was basically porn.

"You couldn't pay me to believe that they aren't actually having sex" I said watching the actress's face. I checked my phone since it began to buzz a bit.

Kyle: Yo. I need a massive favor.

What's up

Kyle: I need some cash. A lot.

You gotta tell me what's wrong. How much is a lot.

"You ok?" Amari asked interrupting my focus my conversation with Kyle. She noticed my face change.

"Yeah it's just Kyle." I said looking at the phone and then to here as he replied.

Kyle: 275 thousand. I gotta buy her folks out and I'm short. I can't pull vine out of the business right now.

When? Today?

Kyle: ASAP

"I gotta go get some money for Kyle." I said as getting out of bed. I went to the closet and opened my safe knowing I had 150,000 on hand.

"You can't just cash app him or something?" She asked. Just based on the tone of her voice I could tell that she was pouting.

"It's a lot. Cash app can't handle that." I said putting the code in. After tutu hung the lock I was able to type the 6 digit pin and open the door. I took a deep breath looking at all of the money in the safe that was going to have to go in this bag and out of the door.

"Baby." She called me as I realized that there was a lot more in here than I thought. I was sure to lock the safe before leaving.

"I'll be back." I said now coming out of the closet.

"Why can't he just come here?" She asked as I leaned out if the closest door way.

"It's important and because it's important I'm going to meet him. But when I get back I'm all yours."

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