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The living area of Eric's place is above. Down the hall is were the the four bedrooms and office are located. The kitchen would be further off to the right."

"I'm surprised it all got delivered so fast." I walked around a bit. I could tell he was happy to give the place a new look after hurricane Yani.

"I'm glad because I didn't want to look at it anymore. I even had to repaint parts of the wall." he stretched and yawned.

"Was it that bad?" I asked. He shower me the spots where she tried to kick a hole in the wall.

"I like the chairs." I walked over to them.

"They brought me six chairs instead of one couch and then when the couch got here it was red" He began telling me about his long day. I had sent noticed all of the damage Yani did because he already had everything fixed. There was a new TV on the wall and the majority of the rugs had been replaced. There were new cabinets, these had all glass doors just like the ones I told him I wanted one day.

"Red." Aden said while we talked.

"That wouldn't have been a good look." I laughed making sure Aden didn't fall as he held on to the coffee tables.

"Exactly. They delivered the right one like twenty minutes before you got here." He finished his story and began to stair at me until I smiled.

"But I have something to show you. I don't want you to be upset about it though. My intentions are pure." I straightened up trying to brace myself for what was next.

"What do you mean?" In hesitated to put my hand in his.

"Come on."

"Is everything ok?" My mind I started to race. I knew that my baby's father wasn't going to pop out of nowhere but his baby's mama sure could. I looked  around instantly getting paranoid.

"Everything is fine." He stood up homie f his hand out for me. When I grabbed it he helped me off the couch. I grabbed my son's had to allow him to walk.

"Eric." I said looking at Aden and back at him as we walked past his daughter's room and his office.

"Open it." He said referring to the door that lead to the unused bedroom.

"Open it?" I asked still confused.

"Amari open the door." As the word flowed out our his mouth I went for it. Realizing that it was a room for Aden my mouth dropped to the floor. Realizing that it was open I covered it and walked deeper in to the room. Everything was green and much different from his room at home. He noticed the toys on the ground and couldn't care about anything else.

"Eric." I said looking at how much effort he put in to all of the details. There were pictures of all of us, his favorite books, and even a stuffed foot ball. I sat down in what was Aden's fist big boy bed.

"I take it that a good Eric?" I refused to cry but I was overwhelmed with everything.

"How long have you been planning this?" I asked. It was normal that he stayed at my place but couldn't this have been the reason why?

"It only took a week." He replied.

"You like your room baby boy?" I asked looking over at Aden shaking his head.

"Don't cry yet. I got one more thing." Be noticed the tears I let slip.

"I can't take anything else this is amazing baby. I don't know what to say. Like I..." I didn't have any reason to think that he wasn't truly invested in me or I'm us. So much weight had been lifted off of my shoulders by this gesture.

Long Time No SeeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant