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"Don't you answer that phone." I had just got off the phone with Drew asking me if I thought about switching to organic diapers. To be honest I had considered it but that's neither here nor there. Eric kidnapped me for this fantastic weekend and that's what I wanted. I couldn't care less about going on a date but I was definitely demanding the sex.

"I'll be done by the time you dry off." He held the ringing phone in his hand. I stepped out if the shower making sure the towel soaked up all the water droplets before brushing my teeth once more. His conversation was going to last way longer than the 10 minutes it took me to get myself together so I took my time. I entered his closet looking for a tee shirt. I opened drawer after drawer and was met with nothing until I got to the bottom. A pair of pink lace panties that clearly weren't mine were the only thing occupying the space. I was a little taken back but not surprised. Thoughts began to creep up my back like his hands did just hours before.

Well if they aren't mine then who's are they?

I thought to myself as I stood over the open drawer. Picking them up wasn't an option but asking his ass was. I listened to his conversation in the distance as I continued my search. It was barely 2:00 and I was thinking of how to pack the punch when I confronted him. I could throw them in his face but it would be better to take the grown up option.

"I can't I'm in the middle of something. We will pick this up on Monday." He stormed in to the bathroom. I poked my head out to see frustration fill his face while he spoke in to the phone. He turned the shower on before speaking again.

"I know it's important but it will have to be important on a weekday pop." It was Eric's job to make sure all branches of the company were in the same page. If there were any type problem on the upper levels of Douglass & Graham he had to fix it no mater if it was inside or outside of the United States.

"Don't move." I pointed at me as I pulled the shirt on to my body.

"First thing Monday." He hung up the phone. I watched him take a deep breath before he faced me. His eyes started at the floor and rolled all the way up to my face.

"I'm going to need some clothes sooner or later because those pretty little pink panties in the drawer won't cut it." I brushed past him leaving the now steamy bathroom.

"Hopefully these drawers can be filed with your stuff and not Yani's" He yelled when he got in the shower. Was that's his way of telling me that they didn't have the co parent relationship that I thought. I stood trying to figure it out as he washed his body. My thoughts grew bigger and bigger before he turned off the water. I returned to the living room looking over the city once again.

"This shit gets more complicated by the day." I ran my fingers down my face as I though about how thugs would have been different if I would have chosen a different branch or a different city.

"I agree." He stood behind me hearing the thought I couldn't believe I said out loud. I was startled especially because I thought he was in the bathroom.

"They aren't my baby's mom's panties. I did have sex with the person they belonged to."  Eric didn't take the time to dry off as I did. Instead he walked around the house with a towel hanging off of his body covering what I longed for so much.

"Was it good?" He was nothing less than shocked about my answer. It had to have been if he kept evidence.

"She couldn't touch you. Just a nut on a lonely night with protection I might add."
I sat down awaiting the rest of his explication. I couldn't care less about who she was or why as long as he was remotely honest.

"At least ya got ya nut right?" I debated in asking him when it happened but already knew. The night I blew him off he took it upon himself to make other plans.

"A protected nut. There was no passion or love in that shit."

"It's good to know that we call on others to meet our needs when the other doesn't answer the phone." Let's not forget that I am a Texas native and he isn't my first rodeo. I have a plethora of old flings that would pull up on me without a problem with pulling up. The first person I would call is actually one of Drew's best friends. Deontay moved to the east coast when I graduated high school and never looked back.

"Don't start your shit."  He knew exactly what direction I was going in. I'm sure office daddy would have no problem not to mention my baby daddy.

"I'm just saying. What about when I need to catch a nut?" I pouted my lips still.

"You need to get even? Is that what you're telling me?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm telling you I need to clothes or take my ass home number one." Tee shirts and my bare ass weren't going to work forever. He directed me to the duffle bag sitting in the kitchen counter.

"Should be a sweat suit or maybe some jeans in there at least. I know for sure I had my assistant get the basics..." I zoned out as I looked through the bag. It made me realize that he really paid attention to me. He knew the type of razors, toothpaste, pads, and even body wash I used and had it all packed a way in this cute little bag. There were three full outfits packed away including pajamas and something suitable to wear to the office.

"Getting even? Maybe..." I continued to look into the bag making him sweat. The fact that he still never answered my question lingered.

"I can't stop you..."

"You're damn right. Now I'm a bit too old for the tit for tat but you never know." I pulled a pair of panties and pants out of the large black bag.

"All I can do is make you not want to. It was just a lil nut." Our bodies merged as he occupied the space behind me.

"This is so cute." I said refereed to the bag. Eric stood there until he felt like I dropped the situation.

"Is it? You know I try." He planted a juicy kiss on my cheek before entering the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and left him be to get fully dressed. X hadn't stopped contacting me even after we set a date to speak. Truth be told I was a bit uneasy about being in his space because I wasn't clear on my own feelings. X expressing that he has missed me and there was a lot more in store for us was nothing less than shocking.

"You alright?" Yelled from the front as I scrolled through the thread. I snapped out of it and locked the phone. I had something good going and I don't have the time to think about anything else.


A few hours later


"It was a great movie." He went back and forth about the last 2 hours that I considered to be a total waste of time.

"So you're telling me you didn't even like the part when her jumped 80 stories on to a moving space ship?" He opened the theater door for me pleading his case.

"It looked so fake." I laughed walking through the parking lot. I listened to all of his points as we walked passed other happy couples hand and hand. The action flick wasn't my forte but he clearly enjoyed it.

"I'm just glad I had your attention for a bit." He draped his arm around me. I'm not sure if he was in the best head space to deal with information that could possibly hurt at the moment. The truth is I have to go deal with my sons father sooner rather than later which means cutting what ever this is short.

"I'm glad I finally got an actual second date." He pulled me closer after noticing I was I was a little chilly. Soon after we reached the car he opened my door after witch he jogged over to the drivers side.

"You good?" He asked while putting the key in the ignition to start the car. I simply not in my head while checking my phone since I've been away from it for two hours. I had a few updates from my mother about Aden and a text from Rinney letting me know that both the baby and mom were asleep.

"I'm perfect." I turned to him while going through the 20 messages X sent to my phone only confirmed that face that there was no running from Xavier Duncan.

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