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"I talked to her this morning." Kyle said as we sat at the bar. I had gotten off of work and it was definitely a long day.

"What did she say?" I asked taking a shot. I keep Kyle was already a few in.

"She isn't far. She ended up staying with her sister and she got the divorce papers I sent her."

"You sent her divorce papers?" I asked. That was something that he left out in our conversations.

"I can't keep doing this man. I can buy her parent out but I need to be with my kids. How was the trip?" He said he was tired of talking about Eva.

"The trip was good outside of Yani being a bitch and Instagram telling the world that Amari is pregnant." I said wondering if he had heard about the post.

"It's the fact that people think it's the ball players." He added. It bothered me too but there wasn't much I could do about it. I told myself when we landed that I was going to remain calm in these situations.

"Our relationship wasn't exactly public so I see where people get that from." I said keeping my word

"I mean I was shocked to learn that y'all were together for this long." Kyle responded. I forgot that I hadn't given Kyle the full run down.

"She quit the firm." I said waiting for his reaction and skipping over his comment.

"She was a lawyer?" He asked.

"My firm. She works well, Amari used to work for my father's firm." I replied.

"Is that what you have to tell yourself to make you feel better." He laughed.

"It's the truth. What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Bro you knew she was your employee and you fell in love with her." He said.

"Shit was wrong from the jump but now I'm feeling it." I said thinking about how Amari was dead set on being on the low.

"So did you meet her at work?" He asked making me laugh.

"Yeah. It's crazy because I wanted the world to know. I didn't give a fuck but when my pops stepped down it changed." I said taking another shot.

"Well it's not like you were smashing every cute chocolate girl at your job man." He made a point.

"I don't want her to be stressed out because of this internet shit. We have been straight without it." I said knowing that was over. Social media was always separate which is why  in ever thought about it.

"That social media shit ain't no joke now a days." He said as we began to talk about her friend being here.

"Exactly. When it hit the fan it's going to be worse. When Yani gets wind that she worked for me..." I paused because I had more than Yani to worry about. Plus it wouldn't affect me as much as it would affect her.

"You'll be fine. God is it gonna put more on you than you can handle and it will be rough but y'all have gone through a little more than some comments." He said, not really making me feel any better.

"I'm just going with the flow man. I'm going to let her lead the way on this." I leaned back in the chair. It was going to be in my best interest to continue to play my role.

Photography Studio

I was a little late but thankfully they were behind schedule. Amari had found this place last minute instead of having the photos taken at home.

"Are you Eric?" I looked up from my phone.

"I am" I shook my head still looking for Amari.

"Good to meet you in person. I am Nicole." I shook her hand remembering her voice.

"How are you?" I asked before noticing that she was leading me to the back.

"I'm good. She is in the dressing rooms." She abruptly stopped after noticing that the door opened behind me. I kept going as I caught a glimpse of Amari.

"Are you ok?" I asked noticing the look on her face.

"I'm tired." She turned to me causing the hair stylist to stop what she was doing. She stood up an wrapped her arms around me as the ruckus from
the front of the studio traveled.

"What's wrong?" I asked thinking she would she would be happy about getting dolled up with the help of her home girl.

"This nigga X is tripping, haven't you seen?" She asked still clinging to my chest.

"Don't let that shit to you. We are going to be fine." I said as a voice began to call her name. I kissed her forehead before letting her go to see what was going on.

"Don't." She pulled my arm.

"Is that him?" I instantly grew tired of people inserting themselves in our shit. I was ok with Nicole coming down because that's her friend. I thought it would be good for her to be around but this is it.

"Can we help you?" I said walking out of the room.

"Nickie for real?" He looked back at Nicole.

"She doesn't have anything to do with it. What do you need?" Amari asked from behind me.

"You got this nigga around my son" I laughed as he walked up to me.

"You don't do shit for that little boy. That's my son nigga." I said with no remorse.

"You don't know anything about me." He said.

"I know you don't do shit for your son. I know that shit for a fact and I know that there is no reason for your ass to be running up on her like that."  Nicki tried to get in to leave but he stood firm.

"You shouldn't even feel comfortable being in the same room with her." I said as Jaime waked in with Aden. I changed my energy knowing that he was around.

"What the hell." She said as she entered the door. She tried to keep a grip on Aden's hand but her efforts were useless. Aden ran passed his sperm donor into my arms.

"Don't ever disrespect me or her." I made sure that my words were clear.

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