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"Gia baby do you want to stay with Grandy or do you want me to pick you up?" We had got home around the same time after work. He insisted that I came over and before we went to his friends house. I took my shoes off and changed Aden's clothes with in the first few minutes of being there.

"I want to say. Grandy said we can go to the stables the next time I came over." They talked while I thought about how tonight was going to go. I wasn't drinking tonight and I would just blame it on my time in Atlanta. If Myra got smart I would simply read her for filth. But then again I'm not supposed to know that she is pregnant. Then again no one is supposed to know I'm pregnant.

"You don't want to spend time with me?" Eric asked Gia as they walked into the living room to gathered some of her things and take it in to the room.

"Grandy is fun now." She said causing her father to gasp. Eric's father had began to live a life of leisure from the sound of it.

"We ordered pizza for her dinner and it should be here soon. I'm just going to put this in the laundry room for tomorrow." Ms.Shannon said as she carried a large basket of laundry. I was confused when I saw that she was washing my son's clothes too.

"Thank you Ms. Shannon" Gia said, popping up from the couch as she and Aden began to watch TV.

"I'll talk that. Thank you for today." Eric Jogged over to her and slowly lifted the basket out of her hands.

"Are you sure?" She asked a little confused watching him walk over to to a kitchen drawer.

"Take this." Eric handed her an envelope that she instantly refused.

"You have already paid me for this week. I could." He forced the envelope in to her hands with a smile.

"Please. You have been such a help and Gia really loves you. I know it's only for three weeks but I want you to know that I appreciate you for running around with her." Ms. Shannon smiled and eventually took the money. Knowing Eric I could only imagine how much was in it. She left just as the dinner she ordered arrived. I got a plate ready for Gia to eat in the living room while Eric fed Aden.

"You want some juice baby girl?" I asked as I handed her the pizza and boneless wings she asked for. She shook her head as I handed her the plate and napkins. Walking back in to the kitchen Eric spoke.

"Are you ok?" He asked as I reached up into the cabinet for one of Gia's glasses.

"Yeah. I'm fine why?" I asked as I opened the large refrigerator doors.

"We got home an hour ago and you haven't said a word." I went to give Gia her cup before responding.

"Thank you." She smiled causing me to smile  back.

"I hadn't noticed." I said honestly. I reality my mind was filled with thought of how fast my life changed. I went from taking care of me and my son to myself and two kids with one on the way. I love Gia's father so I have to love her and I am getting comfortable with the feeling.

"I guess I was just thinking that this is my life now and I'm cool with it. Eric I'm scared." I said before her could ask me what's on my mind. I was going to be ok with the fact that I wouldn't be working soon or that if o continued people would know who my kids dad was.

"We will figure this out together. I don't want you to resent me the end because of work..." He said honestly.

"I won't act like I'm not worried about what's going to happen to my career but we knew this could happen." I felt like the looser in the situation but I cools go to another firm.

"Is this what you want? I just want to make sure... Amari I just want to makes sure you aren't going to hate me a year down the line. I didn't want to be the head of this company but I didn't have a choice. I didn't know that we would be here two years and a half ago. If you want we could continue to go to work like we don't know each other." I could tell he was really upset but trying to keep his down. He was afraid that I really didn't want this baby and that the smile he had all day was for nothing.

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