Next day II

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His face went blank as I let out a laugh.

"This is serious and you want to laugh?" I debated on if I needed to check his tone now or later.

"This shit is a joke at this point. We had an agreement and you didn't hold up your end." I said referring to the hours we spent talking about that stupid ass event.

"I'm don't talking about yesterday because it's becoming redundant."

"Well I'm not." He said plainly.

"If you aren't going to tell me what I want to know then why are we doing this?" I tried to keep my voice down while getting my point across.


"Exactly. Exactly Eric I'm not doing this with you anymore." I cut him off as he searched for the correct words. My mind automatically though about the many times I let myself slip it to the fantasy that we shared.

"I'm asking you to leave." I folded my arms and looked at the ground.

"And you know I'm not going anywhere Amari so go on and unlock the door." He grabbed my keys. Eric turned his back to find the key to the door. Me reaching and grabbed for them didn't even put a dent in his efforts.

"Eric!" I yell before remembering I had neighbors. He walked in to my home as if he lived there. Eric wasn't leaving and as much as I would hate to call the police on a black man but it was getting to that point.

"Amari I am really not playing with you..." He started. My mouth dropped to the floor.

"Hold on. Who the fuck are you talking to? I'm not your motherfucking child." I cut off his thoughts. In the moment I took off my shoes because I didn't want anything to stop me from handling the situation. Plus this was far from over.

"Amari I'm talking to you. I'm not leaving until we talk because this needs to be fixed so stop acting like a kid." His voice was deep but still carried enough to send shivers down my spine.

"You fuck up and now this? You can't even admit it." I wanted him to tell me the truth. There hadn't been many lies between us and I didn't want it to start now.

"It happened." He said without any detail. His answer fueled my fire.

"You fuck with her when I was in Atlanta?" Even though it was quite some time ago I wanted to know.


"Better have been worth it." I heard back a tear. He sat in the arm of my couch while I spoke.

"What? Worth it?" He asked me. I watched him come closer as he asked follow up questions.

"What do you mean? Lord, this is what I get for telling the truth? Last night wasn't intentional at first." I continued in my train of thought because I would have put my hands in him if I didn't.

"Better have been the sweetest piece of pussy you have ever had if you can't even tell me why." My eyes burn as I tried to maintain a hard exterior. I am drained and ultimately hating myself for altering my plans for Eric.

"It was my insecurities. I understand why you didn't want what we have to be in everyone's faces but I don't know how to do that. That night, that argument and then you and that lightskin nigga..." I wasn't sure how mad I could be with his honesty.

"If I wanted to be cheated on I would have stayed with my baby daddy. If I wanted to be embarrassed I could have stayed my ass in Atlanta." The statement was meant to just be a thought but came right out. While telling him that was a mistake it was the truth and sometimes I wish I had stayed.

"I understand that. I take responsibility for that Amari. But I need you to take responsibility for your part in this too." He yelled again. I took a deep breath.

"My part. Please enlighten me." I asked genuinely. Blocking him is definitely a key component which I actually acknowledged.

"You are emotionally unavailable and any time you open up you go right back in to whatever shell you have." I had never noticed about myself but how could I.

"I have been nothing but transparent with you Eric. From my baby daddy to us I have laid everything out. You have met my son, my baby." I got just as loud as him in an effort to defend myself.

"I understand that your son is younger than my daughter and that you are dealing with your family stuff but what kind of man would I be not to hello you through it?"  I could see his growing frustration.

"Amari I want a girl friend, a wife, a partner. If I wanted to hurt you I would be with Yani. I moved down here for you, I don't give a fuck about that company." He used my own words against me.

"If this is going to work you need to worry about keeping Yani's pit bull looking ass on a leash because she has one more time to get crazy before I tag that ass." I put my finger in his face before getting back on topic. One thing that neither of us wanted was for X to really feel like he wanted his family back. He is really a force to be reckoned with.

"Listen I appreciate you wanting to be more involved in what I have going on but..." I starred.

"But? That's the thing it's I just want you to be straight up. The only time you can be who you are is when we have sex." I didn't know I wasn't giving home enough I thought I was giving him everything.

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