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"So you left so you wouldn't do anything stupid, went home to your man to get what you wanted..." I made her pause by lifting my hand.

"Because I love him." She nodded before continuing.

"Because you love him, and you end up single?" Jaimie ran down the events for me again. I avoided eye contact for a bit.

"For the most part yeah." I said not wanting to fill in the cracks. It wasn't that easy and I would put my last dollar in Eric coming to my place tonight.

"The logic makes sense to me. Only a weak bitch would give in to that type of pressure and you didn't. Outside looking in, I'd say the love was strong." I slapped my thigh. She took the words right out of my mouth.

"I'm doing what I need to do in the relationship. I have admitted my wrongs but I just can't let him think I'm cool with him stepping out on me  like that you know? We all have urges and shit but I can control mine." I wasn't sure what I wanted to say about the situation or if I wanted to talk about it at all. Everything in my life drained me.

"I get it. You don't want to keep being I up old shit. If you aren't over something that's what's going to happen." She confirmed that I was correct.

"I agree with you taking time away from him but just don't get caught up in the mean time." Aden was obsessed with Jaimie's fuzzy rug but took some time away from it to share some cuddles with auntie.

"I do love him. Damn, I don't know what it is." I stood up, pacing back and forth, catching Aden's attention.

"I would rather him pulled something like that with his baby's mom... wait that would have made it worse..." I stopped trying to think. My thoughts were clouded.

"What's the real problem?" I said thinking out loud. I though communication with myself was supposed to be easy.

"Look Amari, when a person is doing everything that they can do in a relationship or at least putting forth the effort, or person less than down... It can take some time to get over." I'm over it. I was pretty sure that I was making a big deal either situation however, I didn't know if I wanted to let it go and move on but nothing ever happened or give up.

"Are you ready for another baby or something? That's the only reason I will see you going back to Mr. Duncan." My sister is completely cutting me off guard. Another baby was the last thing that I was ready for. Thinking about it, I could see X wanting his family back because he wanted a second child.

"No. But Eric is an amazing dad." I added to the conversation. He was amazing with my son with i'll even asking or his daughter simply adored him. I sat back thinking about finding out that I was pregnant. I didn't even have to take a test to know. In college we won't be exactly careful I'm kind of got it in when we could.

"I guess I put to much emphasis on belonging to him and non in belonging to myself."

"Is that him?" She asked noticing my phone ring.

"It's work." I said completely confused. It was 12:56 on a Saturday. I answered the phone be met with Rachel's voice.

"Hey love. The landscape company that we traveled for is here and is ready to finalize plans for moving on to phase 2." I told her that I was on my way but I needed to change my clothes to which she replied that she happen to be on her way to the office in sweatpants.

"They decided to come all the way up here instead of doing it digitally?" I asked. Doing so seemed like a huge inconvenience.

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