Mama's Baby

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I knocked on my mother's door hopefully it wasn't too late. Hearing the locks shift in the other side of the door I couldn't help but smile. It had been a while since I even talked to her in the phone.

"Amari... oh lord." Rightfully so, she hugged me so tight she could have broke me.
"I'm back mommy. For good this time." Tears filled her eyes as she pulled me in to the house.
"This better not be a joke. You left Atlanta to come home?" I had pranked her a few times before about me moving before. Between my youngest brother Derrin, or Rinney and I called him, and I always knew anything we said could be a joke.

"It's not ma." My baby brother walked down the steps startling me. Seeing him out side of Instagram and face time made my heart warm.

"Baby boy!" I screamed because I thought he was out running the streets. My head laid in his chest as I admired how much he had grown.

"Yes ma'am and I have another surprise." I stepped back a little bit looking at my mother and Derrin's faces.

"Season tickets." He blurted out.

"Amari Eliza Williams I don't know if I can take anymore." She grabbed her chest. I left out to get Aden and Drew out of the car. When she saw him holding the baby I guess it really was all too much for her. Even though Aden was in and out of sleep she still really wanted to hold him.

"I'm working and living here now." I said it simply just to make sure she knew I was serious. I didn't want to go through the "stop playing" and "girl yeah right" phase of the conversation.

"I moved in the same complex as Jaimie and everything." Her smile disappeared at the mention of her namesake .

"This is the best day I have had in a while... Don't taint it with that girl's name." It's been 25 years since Jaimie was born and my mother is holding on to it like it was yesterday.

My father cheated and Jaimie was the result which ruined my mother's marriage even though she took him back. I found out about her when I was 16 and she was 15. My mother kept it under wraps for that long. If it wasn't for Jaimie's mother being honest with her about her father we probably would have never connected.

Now Mama Deborah was the complete opposite of my mom. She made sure that as long as we wanted to Jaimie and I saw each other as much as we wanted. I remember the days of staying with my father just to be with my sister.

"When are you going to let it go ma." She just rocked Aden back and forth. It was like I wasn't even in the room.

"My furniture will be here tomorrow morning so we need to stay here." She looked at Aden and then to me and back at Aden.
"Take your old room." My first day back and I have already pissed her off. If it wasn't for my son she probably would have told me to stay with Jaimie which wasn't a bad idea.

"You know. Forgot it." I grabbed my phone and nudge my brother to get up. I was beyond serious. With the attitudes and bad energy circulating in the air it was best I left as soon as possible.

"Take me home." I told him while
removing Aden from my mother's arms.

"Mari just calm down." Drew the peace maker has arisen. I'm sure he felt the heat coming off my body.

"Let her go. He other family is more important." She stood up. Memories of our past arguments flashed in my head.
"I don't have time for this." Aden was fighting his sleep and I was trying not to fight Drew.

"If she wants to go than go. She should have never came back if it was all about Jaimie." I sent my sister a text to let her know I was coming. I spared her the details of the mama drama and told her Aden and I got lonely. Drew finally took my mother seriously and walked with me to the car.

"Come in ma. You have 3 of your four kids in the same room for the first time in years. Now all we need is for Tyson to home come." Derrin pointed out. Rinney may only be 16 but he damn sure doesn't act like it. My older brother was supposed to get out of jail soon which played a large part of me coming home. He got locked after our dad left but before I went to college never having a chance to meet Aden it beat X's ass. Tyson did what he had to do to support us and make sure we wanted for nothing. We turned out heads to the grimy stuff that he did but when he had to go away it became real.

"She has to get over it. We are all grown for the most part." Everyone can make our own choices who we want to be around and I choose family no matter what stipulations.

"Mari you know it's not that easy for her." Drew was driving slower than molasses and started really pissing me off.

"She is our sister." A statement no one seemed to understand. I didn't have a part in my fathers choice to cheat and nor did my brothers but yet I was the only one who made the effort to have a relationship with Jaimie.

"Cat got your tongue?" He wasn't one to be speechless. His hands gripped the wheel as we sat at the light. I made sure Jaimie knew I was on the way.

This time I wasn't going to leave a trace behind in Drew's car. Moving back was all fun and games until I actually landed. The dead silence of the car made it clear Where Drew stood in the situation. I mean, every since I was younger I always wanted to make sure Jaimie was involved in the family but I was forever shot down.

"You know how she feels about that." He said getting closer and closer to my complex. Aden was a sleep right on schedule and and I just needed a drink.

"Does any one care about how Jaimie feels." Trying to be the glue to this dysfunctional ass family was pushing me to my breaking point.

"It hasn't even been 12 hours and every has an attitude." He pulled up Jaimie's and I didn't hesitate to get my shit and dip.

"I can't wait until my car gets here so I won't have time babe on anyone's time."

"Amari let me help you." Drew demand grabbing Aden's car seat. I was struggling and let him walk me to Jaimie's door. I can't even be upset should have given myself time in the city before involving my parents. It took Jaimie a couple seconds to come to the door. She looked like she saw a ghost when Drew handed her Aden.


Any Suggestions for the cast?

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