Next day

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"Yes Mrs. Duncan. That's fine." My son's grand mother called me to see if it was ok for X to see him. I loved that she called him out when he was wrong and respected my wishes. She flew back and forth with the baby just to spend him.
She talked about the circus coming through Atlanta and how excited she was to take the baby. Before I added up the phone we talked about when exactly she will be landing in Houston to bring Aden back home.

"So X is in Atlanta?" I asked before saying good bye. The last time I checked he would be heading to a game in up north.

"Yeah. For a little bit. I'll tell him you asked about him." Her voice was light and I could tell her mind was already running wild.

"That's not not necessary Mrs. Duncan." I told her. I know for a fact that she would make it better than it had to be, making her son think something completely different.

"Alrighty then." I hung up realizing that it was already 11 am. I got up taking a wick shower and throwing in some clothes to run some errands. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and dashed out of the door. I stopped past the office to see a Jaimie helping a guy with his paper work.

"Give me a second sis." She said explained a few things to the man and gave him some time to sign a few documents.

"Glad to see those drinks did take you out Miss. Hennessy." She asked making sure only I could hear her.

"Chile me too. I'm about to run out and take care of a few things. You need anything?" I asked her.

"Nothing honestly. If you stop and get something to eat let me know." She replied, glancing back at the man. I stopped her when she attempted to hand me cash.

"Amari." She dropped her hand after I refused her money.

"Jaimie." I shot back making my way towards the door.

"I'll see you soon." I refused the cash once more and made my way outside of the office, and onto my car. I pat myself down to make sure I had my wallet. As soon as I realize that I didn't have it, I ran back up to my apartment grabbing a wallet and a hat. I would like that I didn't put as much effort into my hair and I hurt was needed. I may show his position properly onto my head before walking back outside. I did a slight jog down the steps that lead to the parking lot, and unlocked the car. As I looked up before getting in the car Eric's car was swerved through my parking lot. I thought about just getting in my car and trying to pull off but I knew that wouldn't work. He pulled up directly behind my car leaving me boxed in.

"I don't have time." I said as he stepped out of his car.

"How did you know that I was here? How did you even know that I was about to leave?" I asked coming to the realization that he pulled up a little too fast.

"I was parked around the corner." I raised his voice as he slammed his door. I rolled my eyes, slightly left in the hat for my head and repositioning it. I took a deep breath knowing that my day was going to be set back.

"Why?" I asked simply. I placed my keys and wallet on the roof of my car. I leaned on the driver side door, crossing my arms let him know that I really didn't want to be touched.

" I know you didn't think that you were going to be able to storm out of there like that and that would be it? Then you tried to embarrass me. You thought that little stunt you pulled was cute?" I laughed in his face as soon as he brought up me talking to Josh. He really thought this was all about him.

"Embarrass you?" I asked truly confused. Not a single soul besides my sister knows that we had an actual relationship.

"His ass wasn't over here last night so I know you weren't serious." He continued. My mouth dropped as he spoke. Not only did he sit around the corner from my house for God knows how long, but he obviously drove past after the event.

"I was good and drunk too. I wish he was." I licked my lips. Horny was an understatement. I thought about calling Eric just for sex but I'm sure he had his hands full.

"Relax." I could see that little vein pop out of his head.

"No you relax. Don't come over here asking about my night and who was involved when you probably had that girl in a few different positions." I rolled my because now moving closer to him.

"Stop playing with me Eric. Believe me when I tell you I won't be doing anything with anyone I work with..."

"I put that bitch in a truck and sent her in her way. I stayed in a hotel down the street." He said now raising his voice. I could only imagine what my neighbors were thinking.

"Lower your motherfucking voice." I pushed him backwards.

"I have shit to do so..." I said in the hopes that he would get his thoughts out.

"I can prove it. Just let me..."

"Eric I'm not doing this right now. Not here." I grew tired of the conversation.

"Either you get in the car an let me take you where you have to go or call an Uber." As soon as he finishes sentence to grab my belongings off of the roof of my car and tried to walk back to my apartment.

"Stop this shit Amari." He grabbed me, slamming me in to his chest. I was sure that even with all of my melanin I knew that he was going to leave marks on my arm.

"This isn't the fucking place to shit like this Eric. Your ass put all of this effort in to mapping out this gala and how it was going to work to bring someone that you are fucking!" I pushed him away only which did nothing.

"I blocked you yeah ok. But how the fuck am I supposed to be your girlfriend and you still do some shit that we both agreed not to do. You though that shit was cute?" I wanted him to think about his actions.

"How was I supposed to know that you weren't going to do the same thing?" He asked now yelling and letting me go. In the mist of him letting me go I smacked my teeth.

"Did we not have the conversation about our relationship status? You know what it I don't even care." I walked away with him in my heels. I refused to be embarrassed.

"You don't care?" He said still following me. I stopped in my tracks before reaching my door.

"I don't. You can sit in my face and act like y'all just went to that gala and that was it." My statement hurt me but I knew it was the truth.

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