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End of game

My younger brother, who was now taller than me, draped his arm around my shoulder and thanked me for coming.

"Congratulations little boy!" I said to him while holding my son and posing for the pictures.

"This little boy is going places." Rinney's coach walked up, shaking his hand to congratulate him on the win.

"Thanks coach." He skilled ear to ear.

"There are some people who want to talk to you before you go. It won't take long." The coach mentioned pointing to the far side of the gym.

"We will be outside." Drew said taking his bag off of his shoulders. Just like that he was whisked away to do interviews. It took us a little while to get through the commotion but once we did the temperature dropped a bit. We walked your cars which weren't to far from each other. I sat Aden down and strapped him in to his seat. I gave him my phone, and at two years old he already knew how to watch paw patrol. I rolled all the windows down and sat in the car with the drivers side door open.

"There go your boy." Drew said sliding away. His famous line let me know that X wasn't too far away.

"Drew!" I yelled as he tipped back to his truck.

"Handle your business baby." He laughed as he popped his trunk and threw the bag on his shoulder in.

I didn't even have time to turn around before he made his way to me.

"Hey stranger." He said, turning his hat around to look me in the eye.

"Fancy seeing you here." I adjusted myself to look at him straight on.

"I like to surprise y'all." I watched him open the back door and unbuckle Aden. As usual he was calm and began to use his fathers facial expressions as toys.

"I see. You have been in Texas a lot more than usual." I could have talked about the recent chatter in the blogs but I was playing it safe.

"This is home. But now I have a reason. Two actually." He let Aden stand on top of the car as he held his hand.

"Two?" I entertained him.

"I'm not on games. Im just want to do right by y'all. I want my both of my babies back and I know it's a process but I don't care." I looked around to make sure this wasn't a joke. I stood up to look him in the eye.

"Look at me." He posted up just as we did when we were in school and repeated himself.

"I know it's a process but I'm down for it. Let me take you out, come to my game in Cleveland." He said bringing Aden closer to his chest allowing him to melt into his 6'3 stature.

"You know I can't just up and go to Ohio and I have a thing going on." I said in reference to Eric. We were trying to make it work if I could get over the night if the Gala.

"A thing?" He laughed know exactly what I meant. He had already touched in my relationship with Eric in one of our first encounters.

"That's what I said." I folded my arms as I stood up.

"Yeah whatever Mar. The game is on a Sunday so if you want to fly back that night that could happen." I took a deep breath noticing that more people began to pour out of the gym.

"It's not a good look. Sitting in a box..."

"Life with your boss can't be what you are making it seem. At least let me be your homie." He cut me off. I never got to enjoy the sky box life so it going wouldn't be bad. However, I am in what I would like to think is a relationship.

"We didn't last long as homies." I said watching Rinney walk up to us.

"Thanks X..." I watched him talk about all the cool things that X helped the team get.

"Y'all just keep balling." They began to y'all while I began to feel like shit. X is the father of my kid it's cool to at least be cordial.

"I can't. I can't get my head all fucked up again." I said as Rinney made his over to Drew.

"So you do miss me?"

"That's not the point." I slowly took Aden to re buckle him in to his seat. The point was I finally found someone that I thought I could be with for the long hall and even tough the though of get back mad me horny I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"So you worried about what ole boy Is going to say huh." I know what he would say and this time I cared about it. There was go good that could come from going back and forth. There is no use in hitting my own feelings.

"I'm just trying to take it slow."

"Slow? We didn't even decided that we would take it anywhere." I laughed trying to avoid eye contact.

"I decided for the both of us. I feel like it's what's needed." He put his elbow on the roof of my vehicle.

"Good bye." I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to the drivers side door.

"It's needed Amari." He said again before I got in and closed the door. We exchanged a few more words before I pulled off and made my way home.

9:30 wasn't the best time to get hime but if I would have let X talk my head off it would have been a lot later. I pushed my way through the door after unlocking it with Aden in my arms. I flipped the lights on after noticing the light coming from my bed room. I used my foot to close the door and went to out Aden to bed with out waking him up. I carefully took his shoes off and tipped out of the room before returning to the front door to lock it. I stepped out of my shoes leaving them just to the side of the door. I took a deep breath as I made my way to my room.

"Working hard?" I asked walking to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Eric sat in bed with his laptop on his lap but his eyes glued to the TV.

"Hardly working." He said as I shut the door and turned on the shower. I stripped and jumped in the shower without even checking the temperature. I kept my eyes open just enough to wash up, rinse off, and dry myself.

"How was the game?" He asked as I Draped a large shirt over my body. I hoped that his mind set was on something other than work because mine was. I didn't want to talk unless the words were rated MA for mature.

"They won." I could tell by the way he watched me he noticed that I left my panties in the drawer. Eric shifted his focus to me.

"I saw. Had no clue that they were streaming high school games." He said enlightening me as well.

"It's funny that NFL players are supporting a high school basketball team." I listened to him as I sat, facing him.

"Listen I dont want to argue. I need..." I stopped after noticing his

"What do you expect?" He asked. I knew that he would have something to say but I honestly didn't want to talk about it.

"Sex." I said bluntly. Talking to my child's father almost put me in a different place. Going to that game would only fill my head with false hopes, which would lead me down a bad road.

"Sex?" He was thrown off.

"I don't have time for the lying and the cheating. Even though I could have I came home to What supposed to be mine."

"So you thought about it. You want to get me back." He tried to make hisself deal better.

"I did, and it wasn't worth it. I hope you feel like shit." I rolled my eyes at him getting up and leaving the room. I made sure all of the lights in the house were off. I stopped to change Aden just before re entering my bed room. I thought about telling him to get out instead I just turned the lights of. I hit in to bed, trying to calm my body down, and continue being pissed of.

"Don't touch me." I moved away from him when he began to slide his hand in between my thighs. At that moment I realized that I may not be able to move one from our past problems.

"I don't think I can do this." I said with my back turned to him.

"I just want to give you what you want."

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