Ground Rules

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This building was made up of long winding hallways to nowhere. I started to think that I had missed the office until I came to a blonde sitting at a desk. I told myself that I could go back to my office and carry on by I had come to far.

"I'm here Mr. Graham. Is this his off?" I questioned as I pointed to the door. As soon as I pointed I saw the golden plate in the door.

"Yes ma'am." She smiled.

"And your name?" She shifted dialed a few numbers on the phone.

"Williams. Amari Williams." The boomed shook her head and spoke into the

"There is a miss Williams here to see you sir." He seemed irritated when he told her to let me enter the office. After their short conversation Eric met me at the door. I thanked her just before I stepping in.

"Just a few questions Ms. Williams." He said before closing the door in the fakest cooperate voice. He directed me to a sitting area on the other end of the office.

"I'll stand for this." He said rubbing his chin. I sat down crossing my legs at the ankle. I prepared myself for what ever comes next.

"So you just going to disrespect me like that?" He smirked. It was like he knew something I didn't. I was definitely a kid in the principal's office.

"Eric what are you talking about." It was obvious that this is what he wanted to talk about but I still wanted to okay dumb.

"How was dinner? That's a better question." I burst in to laughter when he finished speaking. I couldn't believe him.

"Well my Popeyes was amazing thank you. You know they have these five dollar boxes now?" I sat up in the chair as a stupid looked washed over his face.

"And the reason you didn't answer my call?" I tried to come up with a real reason but I decided to play the game.

"Because I'm grown." I said with a straight face. The words flowed from my lips with no emotion. Eric skipped over my response as if I never spoke.

"I saw you smiling in ole boys face last night and today. So what am I?" He stood in front of one the windows with his back facing me.

"Are you serious?" I wanted to get up and walk away but I stayed glued to the chair.

"I'm beyond serious. I'm moving out here for you and you don't even care." His voice was level and it almost made me nervous. For me?

"It's harmless. I haven't even been here a week." I skipped past the part about him moving out here intentionally. It's something that we haven't talked about in any shape or form. When he finally turned around he looked as if he didn't know if he believed me. After a while he let it go.

"Are you jealous?" I walked to the window standing beside him. I could tell that he felt some kind of way but wasn't in the mood.

"I mean. If I have to see you at work I definitely don't want to even think that you and him could possibly..."

"Fucking? You just don't want me to fuck anyone else. Especially not in the office, your office." I went ahead and finished his sentence.

"Why are you acting like this. You're really treating me like these random niggas and it's really starting to piss me off." He took off his jacket and I knew that any ounce of angry, jealousy, or what ever he felt was on 100. Suddenly he walked to the door slightly opening it.

"You don't want any of your employees inside of me. Huh?"

"Hold my calls... You know what you can take a break." He watched the secretary grab her things as walk down the hall. Eric came in and took a seat in the spot I once occupied. I could tell I was doing more than stressing him out.

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